If you don't have time to get yourself to a yoga studio, you can easily practice yoga at home. YouTube offers a variety of free yoga classes online, but if you're interested in creating your own sequence, here's a guide.
1. Create a space.
Have a specific home practice space set aside for your yoga where you won't be distracted.
2. Calm down.
Start with a centering to calm the mind and bring intention to the practice. A centering for a 60 minute yoga practice should be about 3-5 minutes.
3. Be gentle.
Regardless of whether you're planning an advanced vinyasa flow, or a restorative sesh, start gently with 5-8 minutes of stretches that'll loosen up the body. Cat-Cow pose (shown here in my chair yoga post) will do (just do it on your mat instead of in the chair), or try the pose I hate to do. Breathe deeply in each pose for 3-5 breaths.
4. Move a little more.
Once you're warmed up, do a few sun salutations with variations or some poses for legs and butt. Move slowly and with control, making sure to link your movement with your breath. Spend about 15-20 minutes with the vinyasa.
5. Get up, stand up.
Start a standing/balancing sequence. Poses like triangle, reverse triangle, and dancer's pose (a personal favorite!) are good here. Here's a six minute balancing sequence for you, if you get stuck on what to do next. Spend about 10-15 minutes here.
6. Most challenging.
If you're working up to a challenging pose or transition like a drop back or an inversion, this is the time to bust it out. Give yourself 5-8 minutes with these and make sure to end this block of time with a counter pose when you're finished.
7. Have a seat.
Seated poses usually come next. Gomukasana or baddha konasana are good options for the hips, and pigeon pose and this piriformis stretch are great for sciatica pain. Remember to breathe deeply and never force yourself past your edge. Spend 8-10 minutes doing seated poses.
8. Lay down.
When you're ready, roll down with control. You can do something restorative in this part of your sequence like using two blocks to open up the chest and help with slouching. You could also do ab exercises, or supta padangustasana for the hips and low back. Spend 5-8 minutes doing supine positions.
9. Corpse pose.
Finally! We save the best for last in yoga. End in savasana by laying on your mat with your eyes closed. Let go of your breath and breathe naturally. If a thought comes to you, just push it away without paying it any attention. Spend 5-10 minutes here.
PS: Enter to win the natural skincare giveaway! The winner will be chosen on Thursday.