Wearing: Awesome Michi pants and Lanston top from Carbon 38 - a one stop shop for athleticwear. The pants have a great mesh panel insert and the top is a cool mesh long sleeve top perfect for before or after yoga class or a workout.
I’m so excited to share this 30 day program because it is unlike anything we’ve done before. Sure, we’ve done a Tone Up program and a Strength Program, but neither one incorporated hiit workouts, so this, I think, will be the best strength-building, tone-up program yet.
Now, before we dive into it, I want to say this: Spring is generally the time where you’ll see all the memes popping up about getting that body “bikini-ready” and if you’ve followed along for a while, you know that very little irritates me as much as comments like that. Because you’re already bikini-ready.
You’re already beautiful and worthy.
I mean that, please read that sentence again.
You’re already beautiful and worthy.
You’re already bikini-ready.
Ok, I get it, Candace. I’m a ten already! So why should I do this program? You may be thinking.
Do this program because you want to feel strong. Or do this program because shedding a few pounds means you may have more energy to chase your kids around the beach, or participate in your first 5k.
The key to looking good is feeling good, so approach this program with self-love, and a yes-I-can attitude. Approach it with confidence that you are already an incredible being, and participating in this program will be like adding some fun ninja moves to your total badassery. It’s the cherry on top.
Those guilt-fueled memes? They’re the stuff we should wrinkle our noses at. They’re the stuff we can crumple up and throw out. Bikini bodies aren’t made in the winter. Bikini-bodies are just bodies in bikinis. Tall, short, big, small, wide, narrow, who freaking cares? The most beautiful people shine from the inside out so let love be your guide as your strut your stuff down the glorious path you are on.
Pin now and join in - free 30 Day Strong Flow Tone Up Program
What’s the 30 Day Strong Flow Program all about?
This program is about marrying a strong, well-rounded yoga practice with some fun hiit workouts to build mental clarity, strength, endurance, and of course, tone up.
I came up with this program with my good friend James, above, who is a personal trainer, CrossFit L1 certified, Spartan GSX certified, and is a nutrition coach. He’s worked closely with me on my macros to ensure I’m eating enough for the amount of activity I do, and to be sure I’m eating the right balance of things to keep me feeling amazing. He’s also worked with me on my training program and is the force behind all my gains in the past few months. You can read about my personal experience with macros and nutrition with James here (and here’s the post about how I got into the best shape of my life), and if you’d like to work with him, just fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Anyway! James came on board to create the hiit workouts that are incorporated into this 30 day program. They’re all bodyweight exercises, so you literally don’t need anything except your awesome self! Huge plus, right?!
How It Works
Set a goal. What is it that you'd like to get out of this program? What’s most important to you? A more consistent sense of calm? A bit of upper body strength? Leg strength? Core strength? Flexibility? All of these things are attainable with this program. Whatever your goal is, write it down. If your goal is physical - pick a pose that you can't do 100% yet. Maybe an inversion like bridge pose, baby grasshopper, or grasshopper.
Grab a notebook. Speaking of writing stuff down, grab a notebook for your practice. Often, what we feel internally shows up on the mat, so it's important to keep track of how your practices go in a little notebook. I love these notebooks because they have a little pocket for tucking inspirational clippings or readings I come across. (Side note: I'm also a HUGE fan of these Muji pens.) Jotting down how you’re doing mentally and physically will be a good way to start being more in tune with your body, which I know sounds kind of hokey, but it’s one of the most important aspects of yoga. And when we’re in tune with our bodies, we’re more self-aware. When we’re more self-aware, things just kind of fall into place. Stress melts away, life is good. So use your notebook to keep track of all of this.
Set a schedule and enlist support. The toughest part about starting anything new is sticking with it. To be sure you meet with success, I suggest two things:
Set a schedule. What time works best for you? Morning, before work? Lunch break? After dinner? Whatever time it is, set an alarm in your phone and consider it a meeting with your boss. There are very few times you would cancel a meeting with your boss (major illness, family emergency, etc). Only cancel on yourself if one of these things happens.
Follow through by enlisting the help of an accountability buddy. Over on the YBC Yoga Forum, we have hundreds of kind and supportive people ready and willing to buddy up. You can message them there and chat about anything that comes up throughout the program for you - and who knows, you might make your new best friend!
Begin. Each Monday I will post a suggested schedule for the week that you can follow along to. Do what works for you, skip what doesn't. The program, while focusing on strength building, also includes yin and restorative yoga here and there only because it’s really important to balance out effort with ease, and the more restorative yoga will help provide a well rounded schedule.
Keep track of your goal. I encourage you to write in your yoga journal and take pictures throughout the program. Yep, I said take pictures. The reason for this is that whenever I do anything for the long haul, I without a doubt get down on myself within the first few weeks/months/whatever. I feel like I haven't made any real progress and that's usually the time when I abandon things. But I've learned that when we do things for the long haul, our progress is so small that we don't notice it until way down the line. To deal with this, I take photos because that way I can look back and compare then and now. We'll use the hashtags #ybcyogis and #YBCstrongflow on instagram if you want to share. Feel free to search the hashtags and virtually meet other YBCers! Introduce yourself on their photos, say hi, offer encouragement, invite them to your birthday party, whateva! Each week we'll feature a picture or someone using the #YBCstrongflow hashtag in our weekend newsletter. If your goal is something you can't really snap a picture of (like reducing your stress), consider the aforementioned journal your "picture". Write daily about whatever your goal is. For example, if I were working on reducing stress, I would write about how my mental state is, how I feel physically, anything going on in my life that I could weed out or deal with better, etc. Essentially, find a way to keep track of your goal whether that's with pictures or a journal or both.
Related: Photography tips to track your yoga progress.
What happens when you have to skip things? What happens if you are sick one day and can’t complete that day’s program? Who cares?! There are no rules, and certainly no test at the end of this month to see how you did. This is a program for you, so you get to decide what it is you need because you know your body best. Let go of expectations and let whatever you're able to do be enough.
Supplemental Content
Note: If you have been a subscriber to the YBC Official App for a while, I'll be pulling in content from the past as part of this program. If you have not opted in to the paid portion of the YBC App, no worries- I have alternatives for you. But if you do want to opt-in, it's $1.99/mo and you will get a 20 minute video right away and then each week you'll receive either a recorded message (a quote, a meditation or a yoga tip) or a yoga video that we will use in future programs. You will not have access to past content, only because it's not fair to those who have been paid members from day 1, but don't worry because each week your content will grow and it'll be used in future programs that you can follow along to when the programs are released. Don't forget that if you screenshot your iTunes review of our app and send it to Lauren, we will send you a little gift in thanks.
If you’re feeling like this is game time and you want to
So who's in?! Who is ready to dedicate the next 30 days to chilling out?! Let me know down in the comments below!
Days 1 - 5 Schedule
Day 1:
Pause vid in the middle, and spend 1-3 minutes practicing your chosen pose. Share on instagram with #YBCstrongflow and #ybcyogis.
Day 2:
Meditation: 3 minute meditation on a quote you love. You can choose your own quote or exclusive App Subscribers: Listen to the quote from November 17, 2015. Everyone else, check out this one.
Then, warm up.
It’s party time! Burpee party! #worstpartyever
What’s that? More partying?! Time for a push-up party! #worstpartyever Beginners do 1-5-1. Intermediate do 1-8-1. Advanced 1-10-1.
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 8 minute hiit workout.
Day 3:
50 minute power class. (Total beginners do this one.)
Pause video in the middle and spend 1-3 minutes practicing your chosen pose.
Day 4:
20 Min AMRAP (4 Rounds) - An AMRAP means As Many Reps As Possible, so you'll do as many of each movement as you can in each minute.
Minute 1-Push-ups
Minute 2-Plank Jacks
Minute 3-Air Squats
Minute 4-Burpees
Minute 5-Rest
Share on instagram with #YBCstrongflow and #ybcyogis. Be sure to tag @james_fma and let him know how you did!
Day 5: Rest day
If you're interested in working with James, he charges $100 for two months or $60 for one month and will give you a suggested diet and do your numbers for you. He'll also be at your disposal to answer any questions you have throughout your one or two month period. At the end of your time together, you can rebook if you like and he will redo your numbers (as they usually need to be switched up every so often so the body can stay guessing). He asks that you fill out the form below if you're interested and he'll be in touch.