Confession: There are a couple poses I reeeeeeally dislike.
A few months ago, I sustained a forearm injury and had to stop practicing what I love (inversions), and start focusing on things I didn't love (like this wide angle seated forward bend) aka splits. My legs were stiff. It hurt. Ok, it didn't hurt, but it was supremely uncomfortable. It stirred up feelings of anger and frustration- the exact opposite of how you want to feel when doing yoga. But you know what?
Only doing the poses I enjoy is like choosing to eat a cookie instead of a salad. It's okay once in a while but if it's all I ever do, I'm going to be off balance. The difficult poses are what I probably need more of. They are the poses that will benefit me the most because I'll experience those less than desirable feelings, work through them, and learn how to cultivate a sense of comfort as I ease into the posture.
So the next time I find myself in a pose I truly dislike, I'll take a deep breath, think of it as my daily serving of yoga vegetables, and try to find the joy in what is, before moving on to the poses I love. Will you join me?
PS- 3 things to be learn from an injury or illness, a few tips for your best downward dog, and my favorite reading.