Last week on facebook I had a request to show trikonasana, or triangle pose. I'll break it down here, and in tomorrow's video I'll add it into the vinyasa. Here's what to do:
1. Take a big step forward, and turn your right foot 90 degrees so it's parallel with the short end of your yoga mat. The left foot should be pointing straight ahead, and then turn it ever so slightly in. As you inhale, ground down into all four corners of both feet, lift the kneecaps so the quads are engaged and lengthen up from the tailbone all the way up through the crown of the head. Lift the arms- right arm behind you, left arm in front. Engage the fingers.
As you exhale, send only the upper body forward, reaching as far as you can with your left arm. The tendency here is for the hips to try to rotate down and move with the upper body- try to keep them stable and facing the long side of the yoga mat.
On the next inhale, keeping your hips exactly where they are, spin your arms so your left arm reaches toward the ground and the right arm reaches toward the ceiling. Look at your right thumb. Stay here for 3 - 5 breaths. On your next exhale look down. On your next inhale, come up.
Hope that helps! If you have any questions, just let me know!