PSA: Five quick things: 1) Our Costa Rica Jungle Retreat is filling up! We'd love to have you join us! 2) If you're interested in participating in a live chat on the yoga forum, let us know! 3) Our holiday YBC Mantra Box is available for pre-sale, and we now offer YBC Grab Bags for my peeps on a budget. 4) If you've downloaded our YBC Official App and reviewed it, send a screenshot to @ybc_lauren on twitter and we'll send you a little gift in thanks! 5) Our gratitude giveaway is still going on - a handful of awesome items to inspire gratitude in your life - and the comments section is the best thing on the internet right now.
How's the #YBCmindful program going for you? Are you seeing results? I've been making an effort to be more present in my practice, in my workouts and in my life off the mat and it's made such a huge difference in my stress levels, and in the quality of my practices, workouts and life. I'm so glad we started this program, and would love to hear how it's going for you down in the comments below!
Pin now, practice later. #YBCmindful - free 30 day mindful yoga program
Here's this week's suggested schedule:
Day 15
- 20 minute upper body strength yoga class
- pause video in the middle and spend 5-7 minutes working on your chosen pose
- 30 minute restorative practice
Day 16
- warm up
- core strengthening for 1-3 minutes or 15-30 reps depending on your level.
- spend 5 minutes working on handstand with a wall.
- spend 5 - 7 minutes working on your chosen pose
- check in on instagram with #ybcmindful
Day 17
- warm up
- 30 minute vinyasa flow for side body and inner thighs
- pause video in the middle, choose a bind you enjoy and practice each side for 5-7 deep breaths.
- spend 5- 7 minutes working on your chosen pose
Day 18
- 60 minute slow flow yoga class
- pause video in the middle and spend 5-7 minutes working on your chosen pose
Day 19
- Rest day
Day 20
- 10 minute warm up video
- 10 minute vinyasa flow video
- spend 5- 7 minutes working on your chosen pose
- 5 minute legs up the wall
Day 21