PSA: Looking to get away? We'll be headed to the Costa Rican jungle in November and would love for you to join us for a relaxing yoga retreat! Also, if you have a second to review the YBC Official App in the App Store, we'd be so grateful!
I'm not going to lie to you - I don't love binds. My shoulder always makes this embarrassing popping sound, and it sort of feels like my chest might rip open, but they say the poses you avoid are the ones you need to do, so I'm making more of an effort to incorporate binds into my practice.
Binds in the yoga practice are excellent for opening up the shoulders, chest and improving flexibility in the upper back as well. Beginner tip: If you're no where near being able to bind with ease, don't hesitate to use a yoga strap to make the reach a bit easier. Related: how to use a yoga strap.
1. Revolved high lunge with a bind: This is a fun, unexpected way to practice binding. The trick here is to really extend through the back, and use your core strength to keep the torso lifted rather than resting the weight of the upper body on the front leg.
2. Bird of paradise: Yikes, this pose is intense for the ol' legs! It's sort of like a standing split with a bind, so be sure that you're really warmed up through the hamstrings, hip flexors and hips before you pop up into this.
3. Bound triangle pose: This is another one that's excellent for opening up the hammies, so be sure you're warmed up first. Tip: if it isn't too traumatizing, imagine yourself pressed between two panes of glass. This will hopefully bring the upper body in line with the lower body, as the tendency is for the chest to curve out.
4. Bound chair pose: Hahaha, this is no joke! I may or may not have fallen a few times trying to hold this for more than a breath. Tip: start with lots of attention to the standing foot. Find a solid foundation in the foot before lifting up the other leg. Related: How to balance better in yoga.
Let's talk: How do you feel about binding? Does it come naturally to you? What are you working on in your practice?
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