Looking back at 2014, I can't believe all we packed into one year between moving (four times!), and a ton of travel. It was fantastic, and I am so eager to welcome 2015. I have a feeling it's going to be a good year. But before we get to 2015, I wanted to take a minute to reflect on YBC's 2014.
YBC 2014 Travel
Growing up, I always wanted to teach. I also wanted to travel, which made for a pretty disappointing few years as a teacher in the public school system when I realized I would not be traveling much for work. I am so grateful to now have a job where I get to do both. In 2014, I earned quite a few frequent flier miles!
- February, a pop-up class in Athens, Greece
- April, I went to Spain for our Ibiza yoga retreat.
- June, in-store class at Free People in Brentwood, CA
- June, Santa Barbara yoga retreat
- August, a weekend of workshops in London
- October, Greece retreat
- November, Costa Rica retreat
- November, Jacksonville, FL workshops
Top Posts of 2014
Here are the most popular posts for YBC for 2014, and some reflections on each.
- Yoga practice for arthritis - I'm going to make another one soon because I think this shoot wasn't that great, if I'm being honest. Too much going on in the background to really see what's going on.
- How to avoid wrist pain in yoga - I remember envisioning this graphic in my head and then quickly creating it. I wish I had spent a little more time on it because it bothers me that the one green circle at the base of the index finger is overlapping another green circle...but I love that this post was so helpful to people! And I wish I had watermarked this directly on the hand because I had a few blogs crop it and try to pass it off as their own work. #bloggerprobs Brutal, but good lesson for me to protect mah shiz!
- Yoga for men - Wow, I am surprised that this did so well! Maybe I should try to talk my husband into making a comeback on the blog?!
- Guide to tea - I remember visualizing this graphic while walking the dog. I also remember sort of rushing to get back so I wouldn't forget all the things I wanted to include. I was so pumped I figured out how to make a little coffee mug 'stain' on the graphic! I'd love to do some more tea posts - I am crazy about tea.
- How to use a yoga strap - I'd like to do an extension of this post with other ways to use a yoga strap.
- How to use yoga blocks - I loved shooting this post. I had so many ideas I wanted to share, so I'm happy it did well. Recently, I did an extension of this post - how to use yoga blocks for flexibility.
- Yoga poses for tight hips - Not surprising this was a big hit, we all suffer from tight hips!
- A gentle yoga sequence - I was in so much pain doing this shoot - I couldn't wait to get it over with! I had suffered an ab injury and every single movement was painful.
- Common mistakes in sun salutations - This was such a fun post to shoot. I remember doing it after I had taught a class, and it was just a few months after I started the GAPS diet and I was finally feeling so much better.
Checkin' in from....
I absolutely love popping in on the google analytics app to see where people are reading from (whaddup Ethiopia?!) - there's always a place on there where I'm like, 'No way!' In 2014, people were checkin' in from all over! Places I had to look up recently (sorry, is that embarrassing? - do you know where any of the following are?):
And the top ten countries with the most visits:
Hey, YBC readers!
Yoga Forum Launched
In November YBC launched the Yoga Forum, which currently has 269 members. I love that we are creating a supportive little community, and that we get to chat about so many different things. It has been particularly inspiring to see everyone rally together and support one another in posts like the flexibility project and the forum on how to stay committed to the yoga practice. I am looking forward to watching it grow in 2015.
Of note
- The YBC YouTube channel got a little more TLC in 2014 with more regular uploads (I try for every Friday) and the community there is great as well. We're almost at 16.5k subscribers! Crazy!
- I recently partnered with a talent agent in Europe to help book yoga weekends and retreats - something I am really excited about!
- YBC just began offering custom yoga retreats for friends, family reunions, and more.
- The YBC team got a little help with a new hire! She is fabulous and is YBC's marketing and events director (see the aforementioned custom retreats).
Looking ahead
When I started this blog a few years ago, I just wanted to write and share information and experiences about yoga and wellness. I never really thought anyone would read it. And no one really did for a while! #truestory #aintnoshame #allblogsstartoutwithzeroreaders
So to see how the community has grown and to read your comments on the blog or the youtube channel is just crazy to me. Being able to interact with you all on instagram, Facebook, the yoga forum and to meet some of you in person at retreats and workshops has been incredible.
Sometimes I get messages of thanks that just bring me to tears. It really means the world to me to know that my work has helped someone out there. Nothing feels so good as being of service to others, and I when I plan blog posts or retreats, I always try to come from a place of wanting to help. If there's ever something you want to see on YBC, always feel free to let me know. I'm happy to help if I can. I am so looking forward to all that 2015 has to offer. Thank you so much for your continued support.
Related A look back at 2013