I discovered the benefits of a quality tea during my first year as a Spanish teacher. I was struggling to wake up in the morning but coffee gave me terrible anxiety and jitters. Finally, I found this tea by Harney and Sons and kept a tin on my desk (and repurposed it as a pen holder after the tea was gone).
Like most things, when it comes to a quality tea you get what you pay for. There's no real way to get around it. I can't tell you how many boxes of dollar fifty tea I've purchased only to find that once again I was drinking cardboard. However, considering that I had no problem spending five bucks at Starbucks for one drink, I figured I could spend around ten dollars on a tin of twenty or thirty quality tea bags.
My love for tea has grown since my Spanish teaching days. In the mornings I've been rotating between lemon ginger and matcha. In the afternoons I love rooibos tea and green chai (smells so good). At night, I love kava tea (you will have the most vivid dreams) and chamomile. I just drink them as is because I've found that with a high quality tea the flavor is usually so intense that there's no real need to add milk or a sweetener.
What are your favorite teas? How do you drink them? What brands do you prefer?
PS- A great detox juice, how to do wild thing pose, and tofu scramble.