Today, by request, I'm breaking down this funky Fallen Angel pose into three little steps because it's one of those poses that looks more challenging than it is. Now, don't get me wrong, there are definitely some challenges to this pose - namely, you'll need to have pretty open hips and solid torso rotation in order to do the initial twist.
Some prep poses: supine spina twist, yoga sequence for hips, yoga for upper body strength.
For people new to this pose, I suggest going between step one and step two. Just let yourself dance between the two in one fluid back and forth movement. Doing this will awaken the arm strength needed to keep yourself up.
When you're ready to take the head down, you'll just place the temple on the mat. It looks scary, and I always avoided this pose because I was scared I'd break my neck, but it's just resting there. There is little to no weight in the head - all the power and strength is coming from the arms and the core which is engaged to lift the hips and legs.
Play around in it and see how it goes!
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