When I first started creating my own sequences, I felt like there were endless possibilities. The poses would just kind of come, sort of like a dance, and I wouldn't really analyze the sequencing, but rather, just let my body do what it felt should naturally come next.
After a while, it seemed like I had run out of poses, and I felt like the practices weren't as interesting or exciting anymore. I had hit a plateau in my yoga practice.
After a while, I realized that if I focused on variations of poses, I could not only deepen my practice, but keep it interesting as well.
Triangle pose with extended arms
When you come into triangle pose, for example, you can extend the arms overhead, thereby firing up the obliques and making the legs work extra hard to maintain the balance.
Triangle pose with a bind
If that variation feels good for you and you're ready to take it a step further, you can try coming into a bind. Do this by bending the front leg to get the bottom arm hand and the top arm hand to meet behind your body. It's a sure way to open up the chest and shoulders, just make sure you go into this warmed up.
So the next time you're feeling like your practice is a little snoozy, see if you can just put a spin on what you normally do with a little twist of a variation.
PS- Variations of dancer's pose and a cool revolved chair pose variation.