PSA: You can now pre-order the fall YBC Mantra Box! Join us in Morocco in August for a yoga retreat that will take you deeper into your personal practice. If online is more your jam, we now have video bundles available for all levels. Don't forget that you'll get a free gift when you screenshot your review of our app to Lauren. And lastly, our book, Namaslay, is available for preorder.
We're back with another installment of Funky Transitions, a mini-series to help inspire your creative flow in your practice. In today's post, we're going from Eagle Pose to Headstand. If you're teaching this in class, or if you're doing this as part of a personal practice and headstand is not yet accessible, you can just do a wide leg forward fold instead. As always, tailor it to meet your needs.
1. Begin in Eagle Pose. Be sure to keep your tailbone slightly tucked for a neutral spine to avoid arching your back. Breathe a couple breaths here.
2. Then, press through the heel of your standing foot and use your core strength to stand tall with your left knee lifted and left toes spread.
3. As you exhale, use core strength and back body strength reach your left leg back behind you to move through a brief warrior three (similar to this pose) (you could pause and breathe here for a few breaths if you wanted an extra challenge), before placing your left foot on the ground behind you and pivoting on your feet to take a wide stance in preparation for headstand.
4. Take a deep breath in to length and then hinge at your hips, bending your knees as needed to bring your forearms down onto the ground. Place your head on the ground and gently press up into headstand.
5. Breathe three to five breaths in headstand before slowly coming out of it and finding your way back into eagle pose on the other side and repeating.
Let me know how it goes for you down in the comments below!
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