Mariah is one of the yoga teachers I met at the Namaslay® Business and Marketing Retreat in Scottsdale last December (our next one is in January, if ya wanna come!), and since the retreat, her online presence has really taken off! You can watch her YouTube channel to practice with her in gorgeous Montana. She’s stopping by today with a yoga sequence for after a day of hiking. If you’re an active person who often neglects the post-work stretch, I’d definitely recommend giving yourself a few minutes of yoga after your next hike. Let us know how it goes in the comments! xo - Candace
We all know we’re supposed to stretch after our activities - it’s always great in theory. But then we start nearing the end of said activity and decide to simply move on with our day.
Totally get it. We all do it.
BUT this is why I’m happy to bring you these poses for after a day of hiking. My theory to finding success in changing habits is to start small, which is what we’re doing here. Give yourself five minutes after a big day out to stretch your body, no pigeon pose required (say what?!).
All your favorite, non-pigeon, poses are ready for you to flow through below.
P.S. If you adore yoga specifically designed for outdoor lovers, be sure to also check out the entire site at Mariah White Yoga. You get a new yoga video and exclusive email from me each week where we focus on balancing our bodies and minds through yoga and being outdoors.
1. Downward Dog with Toes Down
Begin by coming into a plank position, with a long spine and active core. Gently move through chaturanga and upward facing dog, keeping the tops of toes flat on the ground just for a moment before pulling the toes back under. Enjoy the extra little stretch throughout the front of the shins.
2. Active Lizard
From downward dog, lift one leg up to come into three-legged dog and step the foot to the outside of your pinky finger. Keep the foot flat on the ground and drop the back knee down. Stay on the hands, keeping the spine long and hold for a breath.
Begin to shift the hips back to extend the front leg. Keep as much bend in the knee as you need to keep the low belly touching the thigh. Breathe deeply and focus on lengthening through the hamstring. Shift back and forth three times before switching to the other side.
3. Pyramid
Starting from a standing position, step one foot back about halfway on the mat, ensuring the hips stay neutral. TIP: Place your hands on your hips and look to see if they’re in the same line. If they’re not, step the back foot in until the hips become even.
Rooting into both feet firmly, keeping the legs activated, begin to hinge at the hips. Either keep the spine neutral, in a half lift position, or fold over the front leg. Take three full rounds of breath before switching sides.
4. Forward Fold with Shoulder Tap
*Arguably the yummiest pose*
Come to a standard forward fold position - feet together or hip-width distance. Interlace the hands behind the low back. Extend the arms up as you bend deeply into the left knee, inviting the right leg to straighten. Rock the left shoulder down towards the left knee. Breathe three full breaths before switching sides.
5. Reverse Warrior
From standing, take a big step back with the left leg, bending over the right knee, coming into a Warrior II position. Keeping the legs strong, reach the right hand as far forward as you can. Flip the palm to the sky, reach back with the right hand and slide the left hand down the left thigh. Breathe deeply into the right-side body and then switch sides.
6. Extended Side Angle
Start again by coming into a Warrior II position. Reach as far forward as you can and bring the elbow to the knee, extending the other arm towards the sky. Keep the fingertips bright, core active and shoulders soft. For more opening across the side body, bring the top bicep towards the ear, keeping the arm engaged. Breath into the side-body for three full breathes and then switch sides.
Give Mariah some love in the comments! If you’re a yoga teacher or wellness professional who’d like to learn more about creating your own online content, and building your business, come to Namaslay® Studios for our intensive workshops in Business and Marketing. xo - Candace