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As social distancing continues, I’m doing my best to support my immune system. It’s obviously a smart thing to try to protect ourselves from COVID with masks and attention to cleanliness, but I worry that by constantly washing my hands and killing #allthegerms that I’m doing a disservice to my body’s microbiome. There’s a great book called Eat Dirt, that goes more into how to support the immune system. While I will continue to wear a mask and follow all CDC guidelines, I’m also taking the following steps to support my immune system.
More gentle products for more balanced skin
Be sure I’m getting Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps our bodies fight disease and can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. This is the Vitamin D supplement I take all winter long, and will continue to do so until social distancing is over and I can get outside more frequently.
Stay hydrated! We shared these Ultima Replenishers in a Mantra Box®, and I love all the fruity flavors. They don’t have any added sugar, and are gluten free, Paleo and vegan friendly and are a great way to replace the electrolytes and trace minerals that support muscle and nerve function. You can use code MANTRA25 for 25% off.
Get Magnesium. Soaking in an epsom salt bath is a great way for the body to absorb magnesium. Magnesium is essential in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body, and applying it to your skin is one of the best ways to introduce it to your system. Your body’s ability to use Vitamin D is also dependent on your Magnesium intake, so make a nice long soak a part of your bedtime routine or apply this lotion to your elbow creases for maximum absorption.
Keep your gut healthy - Since the gut is the foundation of the immune system, I take BIOHM probiotics daily. You can use code MANTRA20 for 20% off your order.
Do what you can to reduce stress. Chronic stress taxes the immune system and inhibits our body’s ability to fight off antigens, making us more susceptible to infections and disease. Treat yourself to some aromatherapy and a restorative yoga practice to calm your mind and body.
Make sleep a priority. Admittedly, after quarantine happened, my sleep was thrown off, which I was super bummed about since I had finally gotten my sleep under control. But in the last two weeks, I’ve started to revert back to my (good!) old ways. Sleep is when most of our recovery happens, and it’s vital to staying healthy.
Honor how you feel. Tune in to how you feel and follow your gut instinct as a guideline. Don’t push yourself when you’re feeling drained, and maybe push yourself a little harder when you have more energy. If you’re like me, and want the science behind things, consider getting a Whoop. This is a recovery tracker that shows you, from 0 - 100%, how recovered your body is, and how ready it is to handle stress and strain. I love it because it analyzes your sleep, workouts, heart rate, and you can now log in stress, menstruation, illness (even COVID), and all sorts of behavioral patterns (sharing a bed, reading before bed, marijuana use, drinking, sex, etc) and see if and how those choices are affecting your recovery. I’ll do another update soon, but here is my initial review of Whoop. If you’d like to try it out, you can use my link and take $30 off.
Don’t forget about the microbiome of the skin. Harsh chemical kill germs - the bad ones, and the good ones. The good ones are what help us build up our immunity so that, for example, we’re able to quickly fight off the common cold. If you can, choosing more gentle products may be more beneficial to your immune system. I like the small biz Mother Dirt (their AO+ Mist, which contains a live bacteria culture to restore balance to your skin, is amazing). Their gentle products have been my go-to for ages, including their cleanser, seen here.
I’d love to hear how you’re supporting your immune system, if you’d like to share!