I'm excited to announce I'll be headed down to the Greater NYC area to lead a Namaslay themed yoga workshop on May 6, 2017, 11am - 1pm at YB Fitness in Short Hills, NJ. Below are all the details. Please spread the word. Space is limited, so sign up right now to secure your spot!
This two hour Namaslay themed yoga workshop has four parts:
- Act 1: The Warm Up and Intention. We'll begin by clearing our minds of all the nonsense and chatter that's going on. All the distractions, all the self-doubts. All the insecurities. We'll set them aside to make space for an inspiring and motivating intention that will power you through the workshop. Then, we'll move through a gentle warm up.
- Act 2: The discomfort. In order to build strength, we'll do things we don't normally do. We'll do a push up party. A squat party. A plank parties. All of these are the #worstpartiesever, but we'll get through them with our intentions, and yogic spirits.
- Act 3: The implementation. We'll begin our creatively sequenced yoga flow with sun salutes and then implement some funk into the mix. We'll work with arm balances like crow pose, headstand and handstand, and some funky hip opening postures like baby grasshopper and more.
- Act 4: The sweet stuff. We'll end with deep stretching and a guided relaxing body scan.
I hope you'll join us! And if you're not local, but would like YBC to come to your town, let us know where you're located!