Berry applesauce
Homemade applesauce
For the record, I resisted calling this post something super cheesy like 'Berry Delicious Applesauce,' but just know that it actually is berry delicious. Ok, got that out of my system.
I don't know why I've never made my own applesauce. Honestly, it requires less effort than going to the store and buying a bottle, and straight off the stove tastes better than the world's best store-bought jar. I've made a bunch of different variations, but this berry one was the biggest hit.
Ingredients for Berry Applesauce
5 apples, washed and cubed (leave the core out, obviously)
2c frozen berries (I used blueberries and raspberries)
cinnamon to taste (I used 2T)
1/8c water (just a little so the bottom of the pan doesn't burn)
juice from half a lemon
Directions for Berry Applesauce
Put all ingredients in the pot over high heat. Bring the water to a boil, then turn to very low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. When you can pierce the apples easily with a fork, remove from heat. From here, you can either mash them like you would potatoes or put them in a high powered blender and blend until you get your desired consistency. It tastes great both piping hot and cold the next day. Hope you enjoy!
PS- More healthy recipes for sides and spreads.