I mentioned this yesterday, but I haven't been doing that great since I returned from Morocco. My ankle is swelling up again, I'm constantly exhausted, and feel really stressed out with a number of deadlines I have coming up. Hopefully it's just situational and I didn't pick up some weird thing in Morocco...I'll keep you posted. Until then, I've been trying to take my own advice and make some time for self-care, which I really think is so important because in order to be your best (insert word here: mom, sister, friend, wife, employee), you need to take care of yourself first. So in the spirit of self-care, I'm sharing a few of my favorite things this month.
1. Meditation essential oil blend - Soulful Essence sent me this super calming essential oil blend that I've been using in my diffuser (it's now on sale!). I keep the diffuser in my office since it's where I spend most of my time, and I keep it running for most of the day. I'm really sensitive to smells and instantly notice a change in my mood when I use essential oils. This is a really calming, relaxing scent made with frankincense and juniper.
2. Essential oil spray - This was also in my Soulful Essence package, and it's marketed as a mat cleaner (which I desperately need because I am the worst at remembering to clean my mats!) but on the bottle it says you can use it as a natural deodorant or as an essential oil spray. I've been spritzing my mat with it before I start a personal practice. I begin the practice in child's pose so I can spend a few minutes just breathing in the scent (this seems like it has a citrus in it, so I find it really uplifting) and I love it as a way to go deeper in my personal practice.
3. Meditation cushion - I've been trying to make more of an effort to meditate after reading some funny meme that was like, 'Everyone should meditate for at least 5 minutes a day, unless you don't have time, in which case you should meditate for 20.' #yogajokes Anyway, I have a couple meditation cushions but this one was sent my way a few months ago and it's so good I had to share. Between the material (Danish felt) and sewing (hand stitched in the USA), it's just far superior in construction than my other meditation cushions. The filling is buckwheat which is really breathable and moveable - it doesn't get stuck together or anything - and it has just the right amount of filling that's comfortable to sit on but not so cushiony you start to slouch, you know what I mean? Anyway, it's definitely my go-to cushion for my meditation practice.
4. Beet Kvass - I've been having some health issues since returning from Morocco (super dry skin and breakouts) and my friend who is going through the Nutritional Therapy Program and is a GAPS practitioner suggested a gentle liver cleanse (she's getting her website ready and I can't wait to share it with you guys because she is going to be a huge resource for anyone who is more into healing through foods and from the inside out). Anyway, I've been drinking the suggested amount of beet kvass (2-4oz) per day mixed with water and I've seen a significant improvement in just over a week, so that's really encouraging. Hopefully I'll see more improvement as I continue to drink it. It's a savory drink, no added sugars or anything, and I really love it.