No such thing as a stupid question! Leave your yoga question below in the comments, or over on the Yoga Forum! Here are this week's yoga questions:
Q1, :19: I just started yoga a few months ago with your videos. They are great, but I think I have done something wrong as I have pain in both shoulders. My self diagnosis says it may be pulled bicep tendons, maybe due to poor chaturanga form. Have you heard of this and do you have suggestions on 1) how to heal, or 2) what I can do in the meantime?
Answer, :40.
Q2, 2:33: I want to do crow pose and headstand but I am afraid of falling and cracking my neck. How did you overcome this fear and what do you suggest I do?
Answer, 2:42.
Q3. 4:21: I've practiced yoga for ten years more or less regularly. I started yoga teacher training and in class we did a partner exercise for handstands. we had a partner supporting us while we tried to go into full handstand. It was very hard for me though someone was holding my legs and there for me. I don't know why I was not able to do this exercise the way it should've been done. Do I need to build up more arm strength or is it my core I have to work on? Any advice for me to work on headstand?
Answer, 4:50.