Since forever I've preferred working out alone, but a few weeks ago I went with my husband Greg and did his leg workout. I could barely walk the next day, which was both miserable and wonderful, and I was happy to learn a couple new exercises. One of my favorites was the one legged squat. Because the center of gravity is more back toward your heel rather than a regular old squat where the center of gravity is toward your toes, the one legged squat really makes the glutes work. I love it so much I've started adding it in my yoga practice (poses 1-3) to keep it fresh. Not sure my students are as pumped as I am about it! :) A tip for the one legged squat: draw your shoulder blades toward one another, keep the lifted leg toes straight up to the sky (not pointing out to the side), and squat as low as you can.
This sequence above will help improve balance and strength. As always, work within a pain-free range. Breathe 3-7 breaths in each poses, and move slowly and deliberately. Do poses 1 - 6 and then do it again on the other side. Hope you enjoy!