I turned 37 last week and subsequently took an unexpected week-long break from blogging. I’m just tired. 2020 was a long year. 2021 just started and I am battling seasonal depression. Like I’m fine, but I’m also not - if that makes sense. The combo of pandemic fatigue with lack of sunshine and warm weather has just been a lot to deal with. But, like, I’m fine. No one has to worry. It’s just a lot, you know?
In many ways, this past year has been incredible. Some notable things happened:
We bought a house!
The pandemic forced me to pivot and now I’m offering online programming, which has been a huge success and personally really fulfilling as well.
Thanks to my CPT program, I’ve been able to pivot and offer in-person personal training sessions locally which has also been incredibly rewarding.
We built an incredible home gym that brings us so much joy.
Ultimately, I can recognize the good that has happened while also understanding that this is a time unlike any other, and while it feels very hard, it won’t last forever. (Right?! It can’t. Right?! Haha, just kidding.) I’m doing my best to take care of myself, which lately has meant that I set a few goals for myself:
Try to set more work boundaries and have at least one day off per week (Sunday)
In recognizing that I am often the go-go-go type, I noticed that even the ways I blow off steam are also really intense (dance class, running, working out). I very rarely DO NOTHING, and I want to try to force myself to do relaxing things like, well, doing nothing. I think it’s healthy to try to incorporate more relaxation-inducing activities like that. So tonight, even though I’d rather go for a run, I’m going to try to watch an episode of Bridgerton.
Drink more water. I definitely do not drink enough water, given how much energy I expend each day, so it’s a continued goal of mine this year.
Try to keep up with a regular skincare routine. I finally have a little system down and it’s not complicated but lately it seems like I just can’t be bothered to take 5 minutes to do my skincare routine. To me, that’s absurd. How am I “too busy” for 5 minutes? I have to just try to squeeze it in.
Anyway, for the most part I feel really motivated and excited about each day I have the privilege of waking up to. So even though I do feel the gentle pull of depression, the anchor of stress and the unease of not knowing when pandemic fatigue will end, I also feel personally very fulfilled, and excited about continued growth, learning, and improving each facet of my life. Thank you for being along for the ride.