Just over a year ago, I did a blog post on how to do reverse burpees but I felt like an updated video might offer a clearer explanation. Reverse burpees are a fantastic exercise is you're a yogi looking to build overall body strength, definitely something you'll want to do if you find you've plateaued in your practice, or are working on more strength-based poses like scorpion pose. In one little exercise, it packs quite a punch. You have the pistol squat which is very effective in building strength through the legs and glutes. Then you have the reverse crunch, which targets the lower abdominals. And then you've got the handstand which helps to build strength through the upper body. Check it out below, give it a shot and let me know how you feel about it. Keep in mind that it looks crazy, and the first few times you do it, it'll feel crazy, but if you incorporate them a few times per week, you will find that it'll feel smoother and the strength will come. Good luck!
Reverse Burpee