PSA: We have a handful of spots left at our Italy yoga retreat in April, and just a few at our Greece yoga retreat in July and Kenya Safari yoga retreat in August.
Well, I've been slacking. Not really in the gym, but in terms of my workouts. I haven't been following a program, and after about two months of cherry picking what I want to do in the gym, I can see I'm not working towards my goal of building more strength. It feels like I've been Tasmanian-deviling it for the last few months, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, looking very busy, but not really making any progress because I haven't been following a plan. That might be fine, if I were looking to maintain, but I'm still on a quest to build up some overall strength.
So, about a week ago, I went back to the drawing board. My friend James no longer programs, but his old program was really working for me, and luckily I still have access to that, so I wrote all the workouts down and started from square one.
It's felt so good to get back on a plan and push myself daily. Here's a recent workout:
I loathe all of these movements, which is why I kind of love this workout. It forces me out of my comfort zone, and makes me work on the things I'm not good at. Of the three, thrusters are the hardest for me because putting the bar overhead is so hard due to my lack of strength. I honestly can't wait to get a bit stronger and not have it be such an effort. Every thrust up is struggle city, although it might not look like it. The kettle bell swings are a close second on the Do Not Like list just because they make my hamstrings burn.
Unrelated, I've been loving the high-waist legging style. A number of companies are making them, and I feel so secure in them. They don't ride down or up, so regardless of if you're in downward dog or in the squat rack, your pants stay put. Here are a few, in case you'd like to check them out:
Another recent workout included some clean and jerks to start. I know I need to focus on my dip and landing lower under the bar. The next time I do another one to one session with this oly coach I found, we're going to focus on the clean and jerk, and I am really looking forward to it.
The next part of the workout started with a 7 min AMRAP that couples burpee box jumps with toes to bar. I think the toes to bar is a movement that has been really helpful to developing my core strength, and it helps that my hips and hamstrings are open. The next 7 min AMRAP in the workout coupled rowing with box jump overs. This workout went by so fast, and I liked having a little break from the barbell.
One of the things I like about the programing is that there is daily supplemental stuff like these L sits and ab wheels. Both are pretty rough to get through but I honestly feel like core strength develops quickly so if you just incorporate these kind of movements a few times per week, they won't be as agonizing to get through.
I finished that workout with some shoulder taps and handstand practice - both of which are coming along just fine. I shared a tip in yesterday's exclusive section of the YBC app for my secret to shoulder taps and walking on my hands, so if you've opted in, be sure to sign in and check it out. I like working on these at the end of my workouts because I am usually so much more warmed up and all the muscles needed are already fired on and ready to go. Sometimes when I practice on my own at home, without having worked out first, it takes some time for my body to find that center point of gravity for the handstands...whereas if I go right into handstands after doing heavy clean and jerks, my handstands are much more solid despite being somewhat fatigued. Interesting.
And, as always, there's my self practice. I find that my yoga practice and my workouts are like yin and yang - not complete without the other. And they have a lot in common, as well. The yoga is fluid in the same way a thruster is fluid - and they both require strength and control and mental clarity. They both have a drishti, or focal point. It's actually striking how similar the two practices are. Yet they still have a yin and yang sensation to them, and I don't feel good unless I'm doing both in my life.
So that's what's been going on with me in my personal practice at the gym. I'd love to hear about what's new with you on your fitness journey. What are your goals or your focus? What are you doing to meet them? Let me know down in the comments section below.