We are almost finished with our 30 Day Love Yourself: Yoga and Gut Health Program, and that means it's time for a new program! Since we've been focused on the subtleties of yoga in recent programs, I thought we'd do something a little more technical that focuses on yoga poses.
The Program
This is a ten day asana challenge. In the past, I've avoided using the word "challenge" with these programs. I was just turned off by that word, but in thinking about it, this will be a challenge because we'll be doing things out of our comfort zone and posting them to the 'gram. Yikes! But it's all in good fun, and the goals behind it will be helpful in your growth on and off the mat.
The Goals
- Expand your asana practice. Asana means pose, so each day will focus on a specific pose. If you're unable to do the pose of the day, I'll be offering up some alternatives, or ways you can work up to that day's pose.
- Get rid of your ego. If you're unable to do any of the poses - who freaking cares?! It's just for fun. Your being able to do the pose has no reflection on you as a human, so honestly, let it go. This is a good opportunity to learn to let it go. To learn to do your best and let that be enough.
- Stay mindful. While asana is the focus, remember that mindfulness is the foundation for all yoga poses. In the past, I have told you exactly what to do for each day. This time, you're going to get an opportunity to figure out what your body needs. Does it need a short warm up? A longer warm up? Does it need a full yoga practice before getting into this pose? This is an opportunity for you to tune in, ask yourself what you need, and do it before attempting the pose. I always recommend a warm up (you can google 'yogabycandace warm up) or follow the warm ups in the back of Namaslay.
- Learning to use Namaslay - Speaking of Namaslay, this is a great opportunity to use the book! In each instagram post I do sharing the Pose of the Day, I am going to share the page where you can find the exact breakdown of the pose we'll be doing. All you have to do to find it on instagram is swipe to the left. Alternatively, you can purchase your copy of Namaslay on amazon, Barnes and Noble, or at an indie bookstore near you. This program is going to start Monday, March 6, 2017, so you have time to order your book today and have it for the program. And we'll be doing more programs like this in the future, so you'll have lots of opportunities to use it!
Namaslay instagram challenge!
How it Works
To participate in the program, do the following:
- Print or pin the image above for easy reference later on.
- On March first, share a photo on instagram explaining that you'll be participating in this challenge and invite your friends and followers to do the same! Direct them to this blog post for more info.
- Day 1 is going to be March 6, 2017, which will give you time to order Namaslay, if you want it as an aide for this program and future challenges. On Day 1 (or whenever you can get to it), post your photo on instagram (here are some photography tips for best results).
- In each photo you post for the challenge, tag @yogabycandace in the caption. You can do any variation of the Pose of the Day.
- Hashtag #YBCyogis and #NamaslayYogis in the caption.
- In your caption, let us know what bubbled up for you when you did this pose. Some ideas: How does the pose make you feel? What is the most challenging or easiest aspects of the pose for you? What variations might be interesting to try? Were you able to use Namaslay to help you get into it?
- After you've posted, go to the search section of instagram and type in #YBCyogis or #NamaslayYogis to like and comment on other's photos within our YBC Community.
That's it! If you're participating, let me know in the comments section below! And let me know what you'd like to see in the future for an April program!