PSA: We now have video bundles available for all levels. Don't forget that you'll get a free gift when you screenshot your review of our app to Lauren. And also, our book, Namaslay, is available for preorder. This post contains affiliate links, which means YBC will earn a small commission when you check them out. Thanks for supporting YBC.
Workouts Lately
I am so pumped to be back in the game after so many weeks off nursing a shoulder injury. I seem to be all healed up and have eased back into it. Yesterday's workout was ca-razy in the best possible way. James and I are working to develop an app which would give you access to his programming, and exclusive yoga content to complement the workouts, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, you can follow along on snapchat, where I usually share my workouts (@yogaby_Candace).
Recent workout
That workout was no freaking joke. I was sweating like a pig, and totally gassed. It felt so good to be back! And I am thrilled with how well my new Bose wireless headphones are holding up. I last wrote about them here when I first got them and I am still just as smitten. I love that I can just put my phone in my gym back and not have anything attached to me, as the headphones are bluetooth.
Post WOD 1
I scaled the last WOD for the cleans and push jerks going down from 105 to 65lbs to accommodate my shoulder. It feels mostly healed but I haven't done heavy cleans or jerks since I started back up so I really needed to ease back in.
Pumice stone for the hands
Hand Care
My hands are getting beat up from the barbell but I refuse to wear gloves. I just don't like how they feel, and to be honest, I love my calluses. To avoid rips, though, Madison taught me all about pumice stone. It costs under five bucks and does the job. Use it straight away after you've showered and your skin is soft from the hot water. Gently polish the calluses with the pumice stone, and voila, you're good to go.
On Sale
I've been scoping out the sales recently and came across a bunch of things I am loving:
Let's talk: How are your fitness goals doing? What are you working on? What are you struggling with? Where are you feeling great?