I feature a lot of poses you'd find in a very physical yoga practice on my blog, but to be honest, this is the pose that I love the most. I don't do it nearly as often as I should, but when I do, it's heavenly. This is supported savasana, which requires some extra props. In a way, this is sort of annoying, because it means you need to have them on hand, but there are ways to get around this.
Under the legs, it's best to use a bolster. Bolsters can be pricey (Manduka's will run around $75, while YogaAccessories' will be around $25), so to save money you could use a few large blankets rolled up as shown here. The trick is to use the thickest blankets you have (towels would work well, too) and make sure your legs can rest on them while keeping the feet planted on the mat.
To ensure there's no strain on the low back, it's important to tilt the pelvis back so the back is pressed into the mat. You can experiment with pressing into the feet to find the right position for the pelvis.
Underneath the shoulders, try rolling a thick blanket for a little support. Keep the upper portion of the blanket unrolled, and let your head rest there.
Use an eye pillow over the eyes. I prefer something that is a bit heavy because the weight will help to ensure it stays put, and will encourage the eyes to sink a little deeper into the sockets for total relaxation. If you don't have an eye pillow laying around, you could use a (clean!) tube sock. Use a rubber band or hair tie where the ankle would be at the sock, fill the tube with rice and a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and use another rubber band or hair tie at the top of the tube. It won't be pretty, but it will do the trick!
My final tip is to dress in layers or simply drape a blanket over the body to stay cozy. Traditional Mexican blankets are popular in yoga because of their thickness and stiffness. They provide a lot of warmth but can also be folded and manipulated to become a makeshift bolster when needed.
PS- More yoga poses, a DIY mat cleaner, and crockpot blueberry lemon bars.