Chaturanga dandasana, aka reverse push up, is one of those poses you see again and again in a vinyasa yoga class. It's pretty easy to do it the wrong way (which can lead to injuries), so I wanted to take a moment to get back to basics with some tips for the pose.
Tips for Chaturanga
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to come forward on the toes. It helps to keep everything light and lifted, helps to prevent you from sinking your hips, and helps to charge the shoulders forward.
Tips for Chaturanga
If you find yourself collapsing into the shoulders, then do this on your knees until you build the upper body strength and core strength to do it. Your back shouldn't dip below your arms. Because you're so high on the toes, it is then easy to transition and roll over the toes for upward facing dog, which is usually the next pose in a vinyasa class after this one. Hope that helps!