Wide leg forward fold
Rag doll pose
Traveling is great for the soul but can bring a lot of tension and stress to the body. If you're seated for a long time - be it on a plane or in a car - try these three yoga poses. They'll help the low back, the hips, and get the blood flowing again.
3 Yoga Poses for Travel
1. High lunge. Take a big step forward with one leg. Make sure the front leg knee is directly over the front leg ankle or slightly behind. Inhale the arms up overhead and exhale the shoulders away from the ears. Sink the hips low until you feel a stretch on the back leg hip flexor. Breathe 3-5 breaths and repeat on the other side.
2. Wide leg forward fold. Take a big step to the side and turn the toes slightly in toward each other. As you inhale, hinge from the hips and bring the fingers in line with the toes, elbows straight behind you. Engage the quads and breathe into the hamstrings as you reach your face down toward the ground. Breathe 3-5 breaths here.
3. Rag doll pose. Take the feet slightly wider than hip distance. Keep a microbend in the knees as you hinge at the hips and grab opposite elbows. Let your head and neck hang, let the arms be very heavy. Feel your torso melt over your thighs. Breathe 3-5 breaths here.
PS- Should you really do yoga when you're stressed?