As we gear up for the holiday week ahead, we realize now more than ever the importance of taking care of yourself. Find ten minutes per day - especially this week - to indulge in something you love doing whether it's yoga, reading, or enjoying a hot cup of tea. Self care is so, so important.
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In today's yoga sequence, we are focusing on building core strength. I know this is a hip opening yoga program but it's important to realize that the body is connected. Low back issues often stem not only from tight hips but from weak abs as well. So today's yoga sequence is to begin to look at our core strength and start building a core practice if we don't have one in place already. Here's what to do:
A) Start with a warm up.
B) Start the yoga sequence. Tailor it to however much time and energy you have.
1. Start in a hollow rock position. Everything should be very tight through the midline. The legs and arms should be about 45 degrees off the mat. Beginners have the option of simply staying here in stillness. This alone is enough to begin to fire up the core.
2. If you've got more energy, do a v-up from that hollow rock position. Essentially, you're trying to fold up your legs and upper body to arrive in Navasana (p158-159 in Namaslay). Go back and forth between step 1 and 2 as many times as you can.
6. When you're ready for a break, come into reclined bound angle pose (p135 in Namaslay). Stay here for at least one minute, or as long as five.
C) Practice your chosen pose and snap a pic for the 'gram. Use hashtag #namaslay and #ybcyogis so I can see!
Let me know your thoughts so far. How's your core strength? What core poses do you tend to avoid?