Ok friends, we're at day five which means we are one third of the way through the Namaslay Hip Opening Program! I hope you guys are feeling great and enjoying this program! Here's what's on the docket for today:
Follow us on Pinterest and pin this image for easy reference later on.
A) Begin with a gentle warm up. You could even finish the rest of this on the bed, too, actually.
B) Start your practice either by following along here or tuning into the exclusive section of the YogaByCandace App (iTunes/Google Play) to have me talk you through the flow! If you have a copy of Namaslay, I've put the page numbers for where you can find the poses if you need further clarification.
1. Supine hand to knee (standing version p118 in Namaslay)
2. Reclining hand to big toe pose (p220 in Namaslay)
3. Reclined cow face pose (p131 in Namaslay)
4. Savasana (p57 an p136 in Namaslay)
C) Practice your chosen pose and snap a pic for the 'gram. Feel free to share with #namaslay and #ybcyogis.
Let me know how the program is going for you down in the comments. Any feedback you have is most appreciated!