PSA: Our summer YBC Mantra Boxes are available for pre-order! The spring boxes have sold out, but the summers will ship out in June. Snag yours now while you can! Also, we're planning a retreat for April. If you want in, just let us know! Lastly, don't forget that if you send a screenshot of your review of our app to Lauren, you'll get a gift in thanks!
Hey guys! Today's an exciting day because I taped for The Nourished Podcast last week and today it comes out, so be sure to check it out. We talked about GAPS stuff, Lyme stuff, YBC stuff and the book! Despite being pretty nervous at the beginning, it was a lot of fun and I'm so thankful to Shawn and Meg for inviting me to be on!
If you follow along on snapchat (@yogaby_candace), you know that I've been a little stressed out lately. I've got a lot on my plate, and I find myself heading back down to stress town frequently, and while I'm trying my best to steer in the other direction, it's been a tough battle. One thing that's helped is being diligent with my morning and evening meditations. I just do ten deep breaths, which feels manageable yet effective and it really helps to guide my days and nights in the right direction. I put together this four minute guided mantra meditation, as it's another one I love to do to help get my shiz together. It'll fit in perfectly with the 29 Day Restorative Yoga Program, too.
Let me know how it goes for you down in the comments below, and tell me - how do you handle stress? Any go-to quick fixes you can pass on?
Pin now, practice later - 4 minute guided mantra meditation