I hope the Namaslay 15 Day Hip Opening Yoga Program is going well for you guys! I've been seeing some photos on instagram and am loving the poses you guys have picked! I can't wait to see you feel as we move through the program. It's not a ton of yoga per day, but that's the point. I wanted people to really see that even just a few minutes of yoga is beneficial for mobility and stress management.
Follow us on pinterest, and pin this image for easy reference in the future.
Ok for day 4, this is how it's gonna go down:
A) Start with a yoga warm up.
B) Then start today's program. If you are a subscriber to the exclusive section of the YBC App (here is it for iTunes and Google Play), I've just uploaded the audio clip of me talking you through today's yoga sequence. If you have a copy of Namaslay, I've put the page numbers for easy reference below in case you need some clarification.
1. Supine periformis stretch
2. Knees into chest
3. Happy baby pose (p130 in Namaslay - be sure to check do this/not this in the book).
4. Supine spinal twist (p213 in Namaslay).
C) Then, take a photo of your chosen pose and post on instagram with #Namaslay and #ybcyogis.
D) If you have more time and more energy, do this hip opening yoga practice.
Let me know how the program has been for you. Any new discoveries? Feeling less tight?