Also, don't forget to pre-order your Winter Mantra Box®! We are shipping later this month and you definitely want to get your hands on this one!
You all know that our Editorial Director LG is due in April, but back in October, she and I met up in DC during the Namaslay® 2.0 Fall Workshop Tour and shot an in-room glute workout. At the time, travel was on our minds, so we dubbed it a Travel WOD (Workout Of the Day), but in reality, you can truly do this from the comfort of your own home, or at a gym. It doesn’t have to be while you’re traveling.
The worst part of traveling for me is not having my workout routine. Since yoga is what I eat, sleep and breathe, working out has been my go-to meditation in motion these days. So it’s really nice to be reminded that you truly don’t need much to get a good workout in.
Here’s what to do:
Beginners - start with 3 rounds total
Advanced - start with 5 rounds total
Step Ups: Place one foot on your chair. Without bouncing (and this is key!), press evenly into your elevated foot and slowly step up. Step down, lowering slowly, moving with control. Repeat 10 times total (five times each side).
Hip Thrusts: Using the same chair, position the seat of the chair just below your shoulder blades. Position your feet so that if you press into them and lift your hips, your knees make a 90 degree angle. Press into your heels in order to lift your hips. Keep your gaze about 45 degrees. Aim for between 10 - 25 depending on your level.
Bulgarian Split Squats: Using the same chair, position the top of your foot on the seat of the chair. Step far enough away so you can lower down easily. Try to keep your front knee tracking over your second toe. It’s okay if your knee comes in front of your foot a bit as you see here. Keep your torso tight as you lower down, and as you push up, press through the middle-back of the front foot to ensure you’re really targeting the glutes here. Aim for between 6 - 15 each leg.
Hope you enjoy! Let us know how it goes for you down in the comments section below! What are your other go-to travel workouts?