PSA: Don't forget to enter our awesome healthier Halloween treats giveaway! Our Costa Rica yoga retreat is happening in November! I'd love for you to join us! And, we're down to our last few YBC Holiday Mantra Boxes - our awesome discovery box - so order now if you'd like one! Lastly, if you have the YBC App and take a min to review it, send a screenshot of your review to Lauren and we'll send you a little something in thanks.
Off the Mat is a series on YBC that shares bits and pieces about what goes on off the yoga mat, and in my everyday life.
Wearing Lately
The other day, I stopped at the MAC counter to get an eyelid primer because when I film YouTube videos, I use studio lighting that makes me sweat like crazy and my make up creases and I'm super shiny. #bloggerprobs. Anyway, I also asked for a recommendation for a fun lipstick to try that wasn't red or pink, which is all I ever wear when I wear lipstick (which is nearly never but I'd like to wear it more). The girl recommended this flat out fabulous lipstick, and fashion boost lip liner and I love it. It's a very safe purple, if you're looking to branch out.
Getting my hurr did!
I recently got my hair done, which was LONG overdue. I would like to go shorter but because of the YBC book photoshoot coming up in December, in which I feel like I need to have my hair out of my face, I have to keep it ponytail length for now. #notarealproblem
I went to Antonio Prieto in New York and I can honestly say it has been the only cut and color I've had that I have ever actually loved.
Fresh haircut and color!
Wearing: purple top (sold out), grey top (on sale!), lululemon leggings, minnetonka boots
I had a girl named Krystal and she darkened my roots, went through with balayage honey color for a really natural, more toned down version of what I had before. She also cut the hair in messy layers that are super easy to maintain. I told her about the photoshoot and how I needed to be able to have my hair in a ponytail for December, and so she kind of cut it for a ponytail, keeping the front slightly longer so that when it was pulled up it'd look full. So happy!
We're in that weird time of year where there's ice on the windshield at 8am but by noon you might pass out from heat exhaustion. I got a good kick out of ripped boyfriend jeans because it's like you're wearing pants with major ventilation in case those temps start to rise, hahaha.
Out and about
Doing Lately
It's the first time I've been in Connecticut for the fall in, oh, five or six years and I am soaking up every gorgeous day with long walks with the pup.
I joined snapchat
My cousin convinced me to join snapchat ages ago and I never posted because I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how it works. I finally wound up watching tutorials and feeling old AF this past Friday night (I know, wild!) and have been playing around with it all weekend. If you want to follow along for gems like this, I'm @yogaby_candace. PS That might be the only time in my life where I ever got my liquid liner right.
En route to the gym
This is something I will talk more about in an upcoming Workout Wednesday, but I hired a personal trainer to help me meet my fitness goals. I am wary of personal trainers because you can seriously take a weekend long course and boom, you're certified (and have no idea what you're doing), but this guy really seemed to know his stuff when I'd see him with other clients at the gym. He does a lot of Olympic lifting and I really needed help on my snatch lift, which I felt wasn't going anywhere. At our first session, he immediately caught three tiny things I was doing wrong and correcting them has made all the difference. Prior to our sessions, I sort of dread going because I thought I pushed myself when I worked out hard on my own but no. I was way wrong. But then afterwards I feel like I can do anything, so I guess it all balances out. Anyway, I'll talk more about it in W.O.W. but I am super happy so far.
Eating Lately
One of the best parts of blogging - I know I say it time and again - is discovering new small businesses whose missions I really believe in. Paleo Treats, one of the sponsors for the Halloween giveaway, sent a bunch of treats to the office and they are really fantastic. There is no refined sugar, no grain, no dairy, and they're gluten free. They're best served frozen, but they're chewy when frozen, so it's not like you'll break your teeth. Anyway, big fan over here. Plus they're super nice people, which is always a bonus in my book.
Reading Lately
I was fascinated by this article in the latest HBR that showcased a study that found that CEOs with daughters ran companies that were more socially responsible.
I'm still working on Shantaram. I hope to finish it by the end of the week. What a marathon of a book and I was really thrown off by the war. Anyway, if you have a good book recommendation, I'd love to hear down in the comments below. I'm looking for something smart but breezy. Don't make me think too hard! :)
Absolutely died laughing at my friend Nicole's personal version of hell on earth aka Lululemon's warehouse "sale."
Guys how did I go 31 years with no Stevie Wonder on my playlists?
— Candace (@yogabycandace) October 19, 2015
Listening To
Ok true story, I really didn't ever listen to much from Stevie Wonder until this past weekend when it randomly came while listening to spotify. I can't believe it took me 31 years to get him on my playlist. Particularly, I am into I wish and Sir Duke. I dare you to listen to those songs and not be happy.
Traveling To
I'm getting ready to go to Costa Rica in a couple weeks for our retreat. While there, Lauren and I will take some photos hopefully that will make it into the book. This is a long shot, but if you know of any amazing places near Lago Arenal where we could have a little photoshoot, let a sista know!
Same goes for Miami. I may head down for Yoga Journal Live when we get back from Costa Rica. I'll be on my own, so I guess I'm sort of looking for a lifestyle photographer while I'm there for an early morning shoot at the beach. Could be really gorgeous I think. If you know of someone, please send an email to Lauren: lauren at yogabycandace dot com
Let's talk: What's going on in your personal life? Read anything great lately? Seen anything great? Tell me what's going on!
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