I’m excited to share that in the exclusive section of the YBC® App, subscribers will have access to our 14 Day Core Strengthening Program. Core strength is something you may want to work on if you’re:
-dealing with minor low back pain. Often times, a strong core can help stabilize and support you.
-dealing with poor posture. Again, the core helps to stabilize and support you.
-looking to develop a more athletic practice and nailing various arm balances.
To check it out, download the YBC® App and opt-in. You will see it in the Exclusive section or you can search ‘Core Strength Program’ and it’ll come up. If you’re an Android user, don’t worry, we are making this program available for purchase for you too while we work on raising funds for the next App version which will support Android users. Everyone else can find the program when they opt-in to the App.