You guys, I couldn't be more psyched about sharing Lauren's guest post today. Lauren is YBC's Marketing and Events Director and if her other DIY projects haven't solidified her Martha status this one definitely will. Hope you love. xo Candace
Confession: I may or may not have a slight (okay, okay… a major) addiction to stackable rings. Every time I go into a store I beeline right to the accessories and jewelry section – it's like instant tunnel vision takes over. I like to think of it as a gift, but my fiancé will argue otherwise. #sorrynotsorry #iwasbornthisway
Anyways, since I don’t really have a long-term living situation (we move often due to my fiancé's job) figured out yet it’s been really hard for me to justify spending a ton of money on the vanity or jewelry organizer of my dreams – because let's be honest, you can’t just pick those things up and move around with them (well, I guess you could but…too much work).
Each time I move, I always find myself coming up with every excuse under the sun to make a few trips to the closest Michaels or Home Goods store to search for a few things that will make my new living space feel a little less unfamiliar and a little more like a “home” (what’s a home anyway?! #gypsyprobz). As I’m sure most of you know, Home Goods is hit or miss and sometimes I just don’t have the energy to battle the masses and dig through piles of misplaced and unorganized trinkets just to find a chipped or less than ideal dish for my rings that I’ll be forced to throw out in a few months when I inevitably move, again.
So what’s a girl to do?! Well it just so happens that I LOVE a good DIY project so I put my creative hat on and got to werk. Whenever I need a good dose of inspiration I do two things: #1) go on Pinterest, duh and #2) head to the nearest craft store to wander the aisles. After a quick 30 minutes (a personal record, btw – I could spend HOURS) I left the store with a bag full of oven-bake clay, a gold-leaf paint pen, some glaze and a mission to create something amazing.
P.s You’ll have to excuse me for tooting my own horn here but I pretty much dominated this DIY so I’m spreading the crafty love and showing you how you can #nailit too! And BONUS: this entire project took less than 20 minutes! SAY WHAT?!
Materials for your DIY Jewelry Holder:
- Oven-Bake Clay
- X-acto Knife (or a clay-specific knife, if you have one)
- Oven safe bowl or silicon cupcake holders (to mold your dishes)
- Rolling pin
- Gold Paint Pen (optional)
- Glaze (optional)

Pin now, make later! DIY marble jewelry holder
Steps for making the DIY Jewelry Holder
- Gather all materials
- Take the clay and choose the colors you want for your bowl. Roll each color into a long cylinder (about 5 to 6 inches long) I was going for a tie-dye look so I used lots of white and a few bright colors.
- Once you have each color rolled out, take each cylinder and twist them together to make one large roll. Once you’ve twisted it a few times, roll it out so its about 12 inches or so long. If you want to get that tie-dye/marbled look be sure to twist the ends opposite ways and/or fold the cylinder in half a few times.
- Take your clay and mold it into a ball
- Use a rolling pin (or anything else you have laying around the kitchen) and roll the ball out evenly. I wanted my dishes to be in the smaller side so I rolled mine out to be about 5” in diameter and about a quarter of an inch thick.
- Using a round object as your template, cut a clay circle out with an x-acto knife (or any really sharp knife because you want to keep the edges clean and distinct)
- Once you have your clay circle, place it into an oven-safe bowl to help mold the shape. The only thing I had on hand were Corningware baking dishes so I went with those. I baked my dishes for 16 minutes at 275 degrees but be sure to read the directions for the clay you purchased because it might be different. Once the clay has cooled completely, tip the bowl upside down, give it a few taps and your bowl should pop right out!
- I wanted my dishes to look more polished so I took it a step further and decided to line the edges with gold paint. I also purchased some glaze but I really liked the “raw” look of the clay after it was baked so I left them as they were.
You guys, these mini dishes turned out so much better than I could have ever expected and I was totally blown away at how easy and quick it was to make! I have SO many plans for these little beauties, too! They’re perfect for holding jewelry, little odds and ends like hair-ties, bobby pins and even your keys! My sister is getting married next summer and I think these would make for great bridesmaids gifts – just pair them with a piece of jewelry and you have a really thoughtful, homemade gift!
We’d love to see your DIYs! Share them with us and the rest of the YBC Community on twitter or instagram with the hashtag #ybcDIY!