Disclaimer: This video is brought to you by 2nd Wind Health, who provided me with this yoga mat and these two cork blocks I’m using in the vid. Thanks for supporting the small businesses that support YBC®.
Over the course of the last year or so, I’ve been doing a lot of focus on my upper back strength which has helped my inversion practice so much. Now, I’m going to start focusing on my core. The core is comprised of four parts - the internal and external obliques, the rectus abdominis (otherwise known as the 6 pack part of the abs) and the transverse abdominis (the deepest part of the core that sits underneath the rectus abdominis). Our core center is what really helps support the lumbar spine - the low back - along with our glutes and posterior chain, so if you’re someone who struggles with chronic low back pain, strengthening your core is one of the best things you can do. Having a nice strong core can also help with injury prevention.
In this twenty-five minutes yoga video, we’ll being focusing on core strength and using the cork yoga blocks from 2nd Wind Health to help us with the movements. I really love cork blocks because they have just the littlest bit of give to them which makes them really nice for supported bridge pose - a great counterpose to all the core strengthening movements. Cork blocks are also much more firm and stable compared to foam blocks, so I find that they provide a more reliable, stable foundation when you’re using them for assisting in poses like trikonasana. Give this video a try - always move within a pain-free range and take breaks as needed - and let us know how it goes for you down in the comments section below.