PSA: There are two spots left at the Beginner Arm Balance Workshop, a handful of spots left at the Greece yoga retreat in May, and 4 spaces left at the Morocco yoga and blogging retreat in May!
A couple weeks back I was watching this movie when the most beautiful song came on (second in the playlist below) and I immediately downloaded it to use for future yoga classes. I love when that happens - when you come across a beautiful song like that - it always inspires me to get on the mat and play around with creative sequencing.
It isn't easy to stay inspired and stick with the yoga practice. There are often plateaus and frustrations - it's something I see a lot on the Yoga Forum. But music is a nice way to stay inspired and keep at it. If you're in a rut, here is a 30 minute relaxing yoga music playlist that I hope will serve you well. xo
PS- More yoga playlists.
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