I’ve been offering customized online personal training programs for a few months now and one recurring problem it seems nearly everyone has is low back pain and a weak core. My programming includes a postural assessment and I try to design their training to address both their postural needs and their fitness goals. Understanding the core brace and dead bugs are routinely added for my clients, so I’m glad I finally got around to making this video!
One of the best exercises you can do for low back pain is strengthening the core. There are a number of ways to strengthen the core, but I’m partial to dead bugs because when done properly, they not only work the core but they help to teach you the core brace. Core bracing is so important when lifting and when transitioning between asana poses in yoga class. If you’ve been feeling a little tweak in your low back when you practice vinyasa style yoga, give this a try and then gently core brace while transitioning between poses and see if it’s helpful.