PSA: Head's up - There is just one room left at our Italian Summer Yoga Retreat, so sign up now! But if online is more your jam, we now have video bundles available for all levels. Don't forget that you'll get a free gift when you screenshot your review of our app to Lauren. Our Summer YBC Mantra Box is now available for pre order! And lastly, our book, Namaslay, is available for pre order as well. Thanks for the support
If you've been following along on snapchat (@yogaby_candace), you know that I've been having a rough ten days of so with a pulled muscle that's triggered the most painful headache and muscle spasms of my life. Luckily, with the help of a great chiropractor, the pain is diminishing and I anticipate being back to normal in a few weeks. I was stumped last week though, when I was in so much pain, as to what to film for the YouTube channel and then it hit me: a short, gentle yoga sequence for neck and shoulders.
This video moves slowly and mindfully to help loosen up tight muscles in the upper back, shoulder area and in the neck. It's perfect for anyone who feels tension in these areas, and works well for first thing in the morning, right before bed, or you could probably modify it and do the movements right at your desk in the middle of the work day (I don't tell if you won't!). Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Pin now! 15 minute gentle yoga for neck and shoulders.
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