Hey guys! We're back with another Workout Wednesday and it seemed like you enjoy seeing a week's worth of workouts in one spot, so here we go:
My Workouts this Past Week
Tuesday: I started with a 3 rep max front squat from the floor. I worked up to a new PR of 115lbs. Then, I started the wod: 5 rounds with two min rest between rounds - 20 cal row, 15 wall ball with 12lb med ball, 10 deadlifts at 85lbs. Then I rested five mins and started about 20 min of v-up, hollow rocks, handstand practice and stretching.
Thursday: 30 calorie assault bike, then 30 thrusters at 55lbs.
Friday: Partner wod- 100 call bike, 100 burpee bj, 100 cal row
4 rounds: 30 double unders, 15 overhead squats (55lbs), 10 ab mat sit ups. Then rest five min and finished with four rounds: 8 back lunges at 55lbs, 8 plated get ups (35lb plate) and 10 hollow rocks.
Monday: Partner row - 1500m row as fast as you can (do 300m then switch w partner- do that twice). Then rest 5 minutes and do 15 minutes building to heavy: 5 deadlifts, 4 power cleans, 3 front squats, 2 jerks.
EMOM X 8 mins – alternating
a. 12 Cal Row , b. 10 Toes to Bar – Work on controlled reps, keeping lats engaged and efficient kip. Its ok if you can’t get toes to bar, work on maintaining tension and rhythm
Rest five minutes, then:
AMRAP 5 mins
10 V-ups
15 sumo deadlifts 65lbs
Rest 3 mins X 2 sets – Start where you left off on the first AMRAP.
And that about does it for the week. Here are some good athleticwear sales I'm eyeing for women
And for men:
I'd love to hear how your week went in terms of fitness goals. Any great workouts you did that you feel like sharing?