This weekend was just me and the pup. A few months ago I booked a surprise trip for my husband to go golfing with his friend for a week, so this past week and weekend I held down the fort.
Teaching at Free People in Brentwood.
Wearing: leggings and bonita bra.
On Saturday morning, I ventured out to Brentwood to teach at Free People. It ended up being a packed event, and I'm so thankful to those that came out.
Learning Czech. FML.
I also spent some time trying (trying being the key word) to learn some Czech. You guys. This language is no flippin' joke. The video above just killed me. The instructor was like, "Say a-hoy, not a-hoy." Not to toot my own horn (who says that?!) but I am pretty good with languages (I speak Spanish, and can get by in French and German), but I couldn't for the life of me hear a difference between ahoj and ahoi. (I'd be interested to know if you can hear the difference, fast forward the Czech language video to :34 second mark.)
Arm balance after arm workout - bad idea
Wearing: lululemon leggings, american rag tank.
I did upper body this weekend, which was tough for a few of the exercises. I used to prefer working out alone, but not having a spotter for things like the bench press meant I needed to get lighter than normal to ensure I could do it safely. I guess I could've asked someone to spot me but I felt too scared haha.
Anyway, after my workout, I wanted to work on my arm balances, but I felt so weak that after a few scorpions I had to call it quits.
GAPS lunch
Still going strong on the GAPS diet and still seeing benefits. I made a cauliflower puree, sautéed squash and baked chicken thighs and topped it with fermented red cabbage. NOMS.
I really wanted to post a picture of my second helping because sometimes I feel like blogging sets unrealistic standards. For example, I pretty much never plate my food like this. My second helping, where I just plop the food on the plate is more how I generally "plate" my food but that doesn't make for a good picture. Anyway, I just wanna put that out there because I know that I personally tend to start getting down on myself when I read blogs that present such a picture perfect life. I have to keep reminding myself it's not real life.
Obligatory Cali palm tree pic
In other news, lemme know when this view gets old because every time I look up and see California palm trees I start looking like that emoji with hearts for eyes. It's just so pretty, and so unlike what I'm used to seeing.
Colorful en route to the gym
Wearing: athleta top and pants, aspics kinsei sneakers (similar). Using: lululemon gym bag posted about here
One of the upsides to short term rentals from a place like Airbnb is that you get relatively cheap rent. The downside is that sometimes they ask you to water their indoor plants. Why is this so hard for me?! I overthink it I think. I have no idea how much water I'm supposed to give and I have already killed the owner's basil plant and a second plant was on its way to a sure death before she saved it. These babies look pretty (but she comes each day to water the outside plants so I can't take any credit).
I also revamped my yoga YouTube channel. Videos are now organized by length and focus. Hopefully this will make it easier for you to find what you need. And don't forget, you can let me know any time you have a video request! Just leave it in the comments.
Anyway, that was my weekend in a nutshell. How was yours? What'd you do?