Scrolling through my newsfeed, it seemed like the holidays left a lot of people exhausted, so I thought I'd create a little sequence aimed at unwinding, de-stressing and chilling out. You'll want to breathe 5 - 7 breaths (or more!) in each pose and take it to the other side where applicable.
1. Legs up the wall - Excellent for the low back and improved circulation, this is a nice little restorative pose that you could stay in for longer than 7 breaths if you wanted. A couple minutes would be fine, if you're really feelin' it.
2. Hug the Knees - This pose offers such a nice, gentle release for the backs of the hips and the sacrum area. Tip: tuck your chin slightly so the back of the neck is long.
3. Piriformis Stretch - Such a feel-good pose for anyone dealing with sciatica issues or low back pain. Tip: For the best stretch, pull the thigh in as the other leg's knee gentle guides away from you.
4. Happy Baby - This pose always cracks people up in class. It's a major hip opener, so breathe deeply here, and feel free to rock side to side for a little extra massage on the back.
5. One leg hug - I love doing this stretch before going into the next pose...
6. Supine spinal twist - The best! Tip: as you exhale, see if you can let gravity pull your knee and shoulder down toward the ground.
7. Supta buddha konasana - This is excellent for the inner thighs. If you're particularly stiff, consider using a block under each leg.
Related How to use yoga blocks, plus a guided meditation for stress relief.
Let's talk How was your holiday? Are you getting ready for New Year's? Any plans?