I read quite a few blogs (favorites include Dexotinista & Carrie on Vegan), and I don't know about you, but I like learning a little more about the person behind the blog. So I'm taking a break from yoga/health-related posts for a second to get a little personal and tell you 10 things about me that have nothing to do with yoga. Tell me some random facts about you in the comments!
1. I hate to kill any insects. It's the worst. I hate the crunching sound they make when they die. And I feel really guilty, even if it's a mosquito. So I usually either try to get them out of the house without killing them... or I ask someone else to do the dirty work. :(
2. Inspired by my experience as a foreign exchange student in Costa Rica, I decided to be an au pair in Geneva after high school for a year. It didn't work out (gross understatement), and I left early (read: ran away in the middle of the night). I did, however, achieve a decent understanding of the French language, and I highly recommend visiting Geneva if you get a chance - it's a gorgeous (and super clean!!) city.
3. In high school, I was in an a cappella group. We were called The Sweethearts, wore shimmery dresses, and sang a lot of doo-wop. (Shout out to Johnny Angel.)
4. While on vacation when I was 7, I pretended I was Inspector Gadget and tried to scale the side of a hotel. It ended with tears and a torn up foot. Thanks, Nickelodian.
5. I still get nervous when I have to show my ID for entrance to a club or to buy alcohol. I'm always scared they're not going to believe it's me.
6. I used to camp out for basketball tickets in college, (go Huskies!) but I never actually made it through the night. I'd always leave around 4am to catch a few hours of quality sleep before sneaking back in line at 6am. Those were the days.
7. I have a hard time being around music and not dancing. I love to dance. I once found myself in the middle of a dance off (seriously?!) and won $200.
8. While in Spain during our study abroad, my friends and I were invited to an international pot luck dinner. Everyone was supposed to bring a traditional meal from their home country. We didn't know how to cook (and we lacked imagination), so we brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (For the record, peanut butter was (is?) extremely hard to find in Spain, and our little creations were a hit at the party. The British students said, "These taste like cake!" ...but we're still pretty embarrassed about it.)
9. Cousins are awesome. I have 30 of them. On my mom's side.
10. I have a serious fear of optometrists and all eye exam procedures, especially the one where they shoot air into your eyeball to look at the back of your eye. (Who came up with that idea?! It's a punishment!) The last time I went for an eye exam, I had a nervous break down and almost passed out. The nurse freaked out and called in another assistant, who made me drink orange juice and put my feet up.
PS- I love to travel. Read about my worst flight to date.