PSA: Last call for Mantra Box® orders! We are down to our final three boxes, so snag yours now while you can!
Since we just announced our US-based 200hr Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training, we thought it would be a good time to take a closer look at our Thailand Yoga Teacher Trainees. If you're considering a training in the future, you might want to follow them on instagram as they move through the journey! Here are some of our trainees, talking about how they're preparing, what they're excited for, what they're nervous about and one pose they are loving and loathing! And since I never ask people to do what I wouldn't do myself, below are my answers, too. xoCandace
PS - Don't forget to follow their entire journey at @NamaslayYTT.
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I've been writing lesson plans like crazy, and meeting frequently with our staff to ensure we're all ready to rock and roll.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I'm just excited to get it underway. This venue is where I did my own training, so it'll be a really full circle moment for me when I teach on day one.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Psh, can I tell you eighty things I'm nervous about?! Oh, just time for one? FINE. We have a lot to cover in a short amount of time, so I'm pretty nervous about fitting everything in. The schedule is packed.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!) I am loving wild thing. I'm not loathing anything, but I've been really focusing on opening up my hips, so I've been doing hip opening stuff daily and that's been uncomfortable in the moment, but I love how I feel afterwards.
Give a follow on IG: @yogabycandace
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I've been meditating along with doing earthing and remaining present and grateful.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? Being around everyone's energy!
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Getting up early...
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!) Anything hip opening! My hips are tighter than the vault at Fort Knox. Blah.
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? Reading, practicing, and running every day! (Well, ALMOST every day...)
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I'm so excited for all the new friendships! I can't wait to meet everyone and go through this whole crazy thing together.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Not keeping up! I'm a yogi, sure. But I don't consider myself athletic by any means. I'm excited for the strength training, but I'm also scared it's going to kick my ass!
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? Loving? Wheel and forearm wheel! My chest and shoulders are always tight and cracking them open with a good wheel feels so fantastic. Loathing? Pincha. I have been on the struggle bus with this pose for almost a whole YEAR. Really hoping my time in Thailand helps me lock down a better inversion practice.
Give a follow on IG: @Lcbyogi
Christina G.
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I’m currently in week 5 out of 6 of what is hopefully my last cycle of treatment for Lyme Disease. So I am taking things day by day. But, I am taking classes as much as I can. I’m spending lots of time in the sauna at the gym trying to get ready for the heat. And I’m doing the burpee and push up party once a week before feeling like I’m gonna die! And then yes, chipping away at the reading little by little.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? The thing I’m most excited about is what I think of as the surprise factor to any new experience. Whenever I go someplace new, spending time with new people, I am always amaz at what God wants me to learn. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’m also excited about seeing some gains physically!
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I’m a little bit nervous about having the stamina needed to make the most of each day.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? The pose I’ve been loving lately is Uttanasana (aka forward fold) and Ustrasana (aka camel pose). I used to loathe Ustrasana, but that was likely because of how much I need it. So I’ve been doing both poses every day and keep learning to embrace the little changes I am seeing. So that kind of covers the loathing part too! Hahaha!
Give a follow on IG: @christinagibson
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? Keeping a notebook nearby when doing YouTube yoga videos by various teachers. Writing down phrases and descriptions they use which resonate with me. Incorporating hiit into my practice once a week. Fermenting cabbage as advised by the, ‘Eat Dirt,’ book, which is one of our recommended reading books. Reading books and highlighting the key points.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? Meeting like-minded people. Growing in awareness. Uncovering my true potential. Learning how to translate what I know to help others.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Taking my first class. My voice shaking or taking a memory blank. Looking inferior to the other students.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? Loving half moon. Loathing warrior 2.
Give a follow on IG: @Kh_feed_your_soul
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I bought a MoveGB so I am now going to 4 yoga classes a week (2 of which are hot yoga), swimming one morning a week and spin class one morning a week. I also do some yoga, weight and hiit workouts at home. I've been doing my best to integrate more meditation into my day, and I've been reading the list we were sent, highlighting and making colorful notes. I've also quit my full time job and am trying to sort out part time work when I'm back from Thailand to support me whilst I gain teaching experience.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I'm really looking forward to completely immersing myself in the learning/growth environment with like-minded individuals. I think the energy is going to be amazing and I'm really excited about sharing this journey with people on the same path who I can learn from.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I feel like I will never be prepared enough! Like I am not quite fit enough or haven't done enough reading, but I think the most nerve-wracking part will be learning to teach! Saying that, I'm so glad we are being thrown in at the deep end so I feel prepared when I'm back home trying to teach.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I'm currently loving flamingo because I think it's such a pretty pose! I'm not a huge fan of reverse warrior 3. It feels awkward and I get frustrated by not being able to lift my leg high enough!
Give a follow on IG: @rubianodanielle
Christina F.
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I've been amping up my home practice by incorporating more HIIT and strengthening workouts into my routine and going to hot power yoga 1-2 times a week to prepare myself for the July heat in Thailand. Also reading, reading, taking notes and more reading!
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I'm so excited to meet all my fellow trainees in person. People are coming from all over the world to attend this training and it's honestly the coolest thing I've ever been a part of. We've been getting to know each other online and I'm so proud to be a part of this is incredibly diverse and amazing group of people.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I would have to say, the thing I'm most nervous about is the plane ride there. My total travel time will be 24 hours and 35 min. I don't have much travel experience and have definitely never been on a flight that long. I have trouble sitting still for more than 10 min, so to say it's going to be a challenge is an understatement. That being said, this is a once in a lifetime kind of trip, it'll totally be worth it.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I am currently in a love/hate relationship with pincha mayurasana (forearm balance). One day I can do it and the next day I can't. There is so much going on at the same time to execute this pose properly. Everything needs to be aligned correctly, and my mind has to be in the right place. Some days it just ain't happening and that's OK. It's definitely teaching me to be patient with myself and my practice.
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1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? Honestly, my goal every day is to just do the best that I can. Since I'm in medical school, my challenge is having to juggle a lot of different things at the same time so the key for me is prioritizing my time and dedicating certain blocks of the day to focus on my yoga practice and yoga readings. I'm definitely an introvert so in anticipation of being out of my comfort zone, I've been trying to take opportunities as they come to practice speaking in front of a class and trying new things that I typically would not go for.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? It's so hard to choose just one thing that I'm excited for...there are so many! I guess I am most excited for the opportunity of personal growth from being 100% outside of my physical, mental, and emotional comfort zone as well as having the chance to connect with people from all over as we work towards a common goal :)
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Umm, it's definitely a tie between being on social media and being far away from my main support system, my pug and my fiance for such a long period of time.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? The pose I'm always loving is crow pose because it took so long for me to feel comfortable in it and so its become a sort of comfort for me now and this is a pose that always lets me know if my mind is too busy because I just can't do it if I'm not focusing in the present. I've never been good at being upside down so doing a supportive headstand is one pose I've loathed for many years! I try it for a bit, then take a break from it, only to try it again and still be completely frustrated...this one hits my weak spot which is my lack of patience! You just have to remain optimistic ;)
Give a follow on IG: @alexandra.hall.50
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? With much excitement and anticipation! I practice hot yoga with an amazing community 4 or 5 times per week, and I've been consistently developing my daily personal practice. I meditate and practice my breathing each day and work on our reading list (which has been such a gift in its own right). I've also been lifting weights and doing HIIT workouts each week. Practice, practice and more practice. :)
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? One of the unexpected gifts I've received through my yoga practice is connecting with beautiful communities of people. I have been very insular in the past, but through my practice, I've opened up to sharing with others more. I'm really excited to meet the teachers and other trainees and learn from all our different paths.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I can't say I'm exactly nervous, but I am full of anticipation. I hope I am able to contribute as much I receive.
4. Pose I am currently loving (and loathing) haha?! Warrior II has me feeling like a mighty queen lately; there's so much power and strength when I'm present in this pose. I have a love/hate relationship with wide-legged seated forward fold (Upavistha Konasana). My hips are often pretty tight, and this pose really highlights my limits. Challenges like these provide moments for acknowledgement and grace with ourselves though, so for that I am grateful.
Give a follow on IG: @ashleydspradlin
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? Over the last few years practicing yoga asana my focus has mainly been ashtanga. As our training draws closer I’m trying to widen my practice and experience as many yoga and teaching styles as possible. Broadening the range of classes I attend has really deepened my understanding of a lot of poses as some styles approaches are different to others.
Alongside upping my own practice I’ve also tried to get snippets of teaching experience where I can. I’ve been very lucky in that our close friends have a crossfit gym locally and have given me the opportunity to begin teaching some classes. The opportunity to combine two important elements in my life, yoga and CrossFit, is so wonderful and one I can’t wait to embrace fully after my training.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I am beyond excited to meet all of my fellow students and spend a few weeks immersed in learning. We have a Facebook group so we can get to know each other and share our experience during preparation. Everyone is so supportive of one another, previously the concept of spending weeks with new friends in a foreign environment would have terrified me but having seen the outpourings of positivity and love shared, the thought no longer crosses my mind.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I think the thing that makes me the most nervous about training is actually coming home at the end, qualified and ready to start teaching. I think we all have thoughts of self doubt and feelings of inadequacy sometimes and I know that will be me in the lead up to teaching my first class on returning home. As much as I can’t wait to get out there and implement everything that we will learn, I’ll also be really worried about how my classes will be received and whether I’ll be any good at teaching.
4. Pose I am currently loving (and loathing) haha?! I’m currently really in love with Wheel pose. When I began practicing ashtanga Urdhva Dhanurasana was a real nemesis pose for me, I had tight shoulders and found any front body openers uncomfortable and unpleasant, they made me feel panicky and all I could think while in the pose was how soon I could get out of it and, with all the tension that I held in the pose, my back was always uncomfortable afterwards. Gradually, however, Wheel pose has become something I look forward to in class, the less I panic and embrace the pose the more I’m able to enjoy really that amazing heart opening.
My nemesis pose of the moment is probably Padamasana or Lotus, having never had the most flexible hips I worked pretty hard over the years to make progress in Lotus, then an ankle injury six months ago made the pose completely inaccessible to me again. Injuries suck and it’s hard not to be frustrated when you lose something you worked hard for but over time my ankle will heal and I can begin the journey back to Padamasana. Until then as one teacher always says to me with a shrug “it is what it is”.
Give a follow on IG: @fit_and_flexy
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I’m preparing mentally and physically. Not only am I increasing my yoga practice but I am also pushing myself to try different types of yoga. I am also reading basically anything pertaining to yoga I can get my hands on!
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I am excited to make connections. Excited to travel solo and experience what life has to offer! Most of all, excited to be part of the huge body positive movement by letting others see a curvy yoga girl.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I am nervous about the unknown terrain. I’ve never traveled outside the country!
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? Honestly, I am working with the basics. I have a love/hate relation with down dog. Haha! And of course, wild thing is my favorite pose. Such a beautiful chest opener, very empowering, and uplifting!
Give a follow on IG: @yogitoombs
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I am preparing my body by practicing a lot of yoga (obviously), at least 4 times a week, particularly by introducing some yin yoga because I used to practice mostly power yoga. I do several fitness workouts during the week, especially with light and medium weights and HIIT. I really want to be ready to face up to the intensity of the teacher training. And last but not least, I am preparing my mind and my soul because I think it will be very helpful for the training, for my yoga practice and as a yoga teacher. I do that by reading the books of the reading list (I particularly loved "Light on yoga" because it really shows that yoga is a way of life and I do my best to live that way more than ever) and by practising meditation.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I just finished to write my PhD thesis few weeks ago so I am really excited to start a new challenge ! I love learning new things, it is one of the things that I prefer in life. I know that the training will make me grow up and I am very grateful for that.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? My sleep is sometimes light and capricious, so I am a little nervous about sharing a room with someone I do not know, sleeping bad and being tired for the training. In order to reassure myself, I figure that it will be like I went in summer camp and I loved that.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I always enjoy Savasana because I feel so serene in that pose ! I particularly love poses with binds and shoulder opening. I think that my favorite is currently Bird of paradise, even if I do not entirely manage it. I am not really loathing a pose, but I do not like Halasana because it doesn't feel comfortable in my neck.
Give a follow on IG: @apieintheskyblog
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT?
- daily meditation
- improving my diet
- HIIT exercise
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about?
- learning more about the limbs of yoga
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about?
- not being fit enough
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)?
- loving: wild thing
- loathing: headstands (dang, they're difficult!)
Give a follow on IG: @brittanymichele_
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I try to be more conscious about what I eat and try to workout smarter. The general idea is to have a body strong and healthy enough to be able to push through the training. Reading is more challenging since my daytime jobs (student, editor, librarian) are all about reading. So that’s where I have to try harder!
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? Hugging everyone. And finding out who will be my roommate.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Crashing on a desert island on my way there. That would be a bummer. Crashing on my way back would be tolerable.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? My current favorite pose is Malasana, yogic squat. I do it every day. The one I hate is Parivrtta Trikonasana, twisted triangle pose.
Give a follow on IG: @thatgypsyyogi
- How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I have been preparing for YTT in several ways. I have been attending local studios and trying out different teachers and different styles of yoga. In class, I notice what I like about the instructor. I also try to notice small things that would make class easier or more comfortable for me, the student. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I have been teaching to my camera during my at home practice. It feels very silly, but it is helping me immensely. After I record myself, I follow along with my own video and take notes on areas that could use improvement.
- Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I am super excited about stepping outside of my comfort zone! It has been a while.
- Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Everything! More specifically, I'm terrified of losing track of time or losing my place during a demonstration.
- How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)?I am currently loving arm balances. They are so much fun! My current favorite is eka pada koundinyasana (partially because I love saying that word). Like several other poses, I thought this was impossible. I finally built up the courage to try it and it was much easier than I expected. This is one reason why I love yoga! You are capable of so much more than you think. My goal pose is scorpion so I'm currently loathing forearm stand. Balancing requires a lot of patience. Patience can be difficult when you have a goal in mind.
Give a follow on IG: @andief430
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I'm a list person so I've been organizing my thoughts, what I'll be needing, when I need to purchase what I need, and what I need to work on. I take everything week by week in terms of preparation.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? Oh I am so excited to meet the people I've connected with via social media. Being able to support each other in preparing for teacher training has been so much fun that I can't imagine how supportive the atmosphere will be when we are actually training together.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? It's not that I'm scared of airports or airplanes but they definitely bring out my more nervous, and high-strung side.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)?II have always and continue to love pinchamayurasana, or forearm stand. It is so versatile in the way that you can prep for it and the shapes you can make in it. Some days I can hold pincha better than other days but I'm always having a good time trying. I recently realized, and thus have incorporated into my practice, that I loathe cow face pose. I simply don't like it and am always eager to get out of it.
Give a follow on IG: @daron.desertmermaid
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? Yoga every day of course! I use the "watch later" and save playlist feature on YouTube to refer back to my favorite yoga videos. I really love 'peak pose' yoga flows that build up to a more advanced pose at the end while opening/strengthening the muscles you need for the pose in preparation. It's great for learning too. But always listening to my body! Some days I do vinyasa and other days I'll choose a restorative flow. Some days it's for 20 mins other days it's fun for hours outside. Meditating before and focusing on breath work is essential to figuring this out. What I need in that moment always tends to present itself if I take a few minutes. Keeping it fresh too! If I have the time, I'll try out new classes with new teachers in new spaces to explore and keep the momentum. Also I love love love the podcast by Francesca Cervero. The way she encourages and discusses the lessons about teaching yoga is so kind and motivating.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? To be completely honest - meeting Candace! I know whatever happens during the training will unfold organically so I haven't spent a crazy amount of time hyping one thing or another up or building false expectations. But I've been following Candace for SO many years (since 2014) that I just want to hug her and thank her for being such a inspiration to get into yoga and pursue it as a career path.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Trying to memorize all the sanskrit names for the yoga poses oh my god! It's a totally different language! I read in one training description that the final YTT test at the end consisted of writing out 100 yoga poses. This terrifies me. I don't even think I know 100 poses in english. I'm also terrible at memorization. So scary!
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? Loving lately - half moon always and forever but like forward fold right now is hitting the spot in between my study sessions. Loathing lately - frog pose nope nope nope - the splits class with Candace is always a pain in my inner thighs.
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I’m not going to lie, this past semester of college had me swamped and I struggled to devote as much time to my practice as I would have liked. Schoolwork kept my life hectic so anytime I was able to squeeze in a flow or strength building session I made sure to do so. That usually looked like a tension-busting, restorative flow right before bed to take my mind out of “school mode” or a quick and effective HIIT workout before starting my day. Now that my semester has concluded, though, I’m thrilled to have the time and emotional energy to spend on myself. I am buckling down for the weeks leading up to the training to really build strength and endurance and I’m trying to focus in on my movements and how I feel during my yoga practice. Every day now includes some form of movement which has me feeling a gazillion times better in every aspect of my life.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I am beyond excited to meet my fellow trainees and the incredible team Candace has organized for the training. This journey will be difficult and demanding in a multitude of ways, but I know we will lean on each other for support and grow closer throughout the process which will be an extraordinary experience. (I’m also psyched for authentic Thai green curry!)
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? There’s the obvious fear of not being well-enough prepared for the many facets of the training… but I’m most nervous about spending so long away from my pup. I’m like the clingy new mother who can’t leave their children even for a night out. I know we’ll each be busy doing our own things--oodles of yoga and playing with pupper friends--but I’ve never been away from her for this long and I know I’ll miss her like crazy!
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? Recently, my favorite pose to practice is malasana (garland pose). I’m just now entering the point in my hip-opening journey where this pose feels so, so good. I don’t have tightness keeping me from feeling the best parts of the pose while keeping everything engaged and balanced. I often find myself squatting down into malasana when I have to grab something off the floor or out of a lower cabinet! My least favorite pose has been salabhasana (dolphin pose). I always thought my shoulders were pretty open and mobile, but this pose was quick to deflate that idea. I try to work on it a little bit throughout each week but my shoulders have definitely not been loving it.
Give a follow on IG: @shylarosie
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I’m still reading the required books, l do yoga classes on YouTube and pay more attention to how they teach and what they say. Moreover, I’ve started to make my Instagram profile public and am really hard working in this, which is also a lot of work and takes many hours. Also I keep up with my gym routine as much as possible because right know I have inflammation in my biceps femoris and my shoulder. (Furthermore I’m teaching 2 yoga classes by now in order to get my practice in).
2. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about?The injury is also my point 3, because I’m not able to do yoga and workout as I used to and sometimes it hurts so bad I have to cry. Unfortunately no doctor knows what is going on so I spend a ton of hours at the doctor. Also my Projekt which I'm managing at work is not going well and I have to work a lot. So I’m squeezing in yoga when I can but sometimes I just expect too much from my body. So the fear is I won’t be able to get trough the physical part of the program.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? Which leads me to point 2: I’m really really thrilled for the mental experience of the program and especially I hope that I’m way less stressed afterwards and love my body way more than I’m loving it right now.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I’m still working on my Handstand. Furthermore, I manage to peacock for a single second at my second shot and I was thrilled!!!
Give a follow on IG: @bohowonderfullife
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? In as many ways as possible, whilst also writing a thesis (Master of research). I go to as many yoga classes as I can. I make sure I attend different style yoga classes. In addition, I practice yoga at home. I also do some strength training, more or less successful, haha. For the next weeks leading up to the teacher training, I signed up for some personal training sessions, so that I actually do the exercises, and don’t kid myself. I read some of the recommended books, and unfortunately I cannot devote a lot of time to this as I also have to read a lot, and I mean a real lot, of academic literature. Apart from that, I have already done all the travel preparations, and I’m getting more excited by the minute.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I’m very excited to meet all the amazing people, teachers and students alike. I love people, and I know that I will be so inspired by everyone.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Oh yes, I’m very nervous whether I can keep up with the curriculum, especially the physical requirements as I’m very inflexible, haha.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I love and loathe triangle pose at the moment. I love it, because I love feeling the stretch on my side body, but I loathe it at the same time, because I’ve realized recently that I’ve been doing this pose wrong. Now, I have to work so much harder to get it right, and of course, I cannot get as deep into it now. Yoga is a journey ;)
Give a follow on IG: @evatzschaschel
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? After signing up for YTT, I equipped my apartment and calendar with friendly reminders of living a yogic life, albeit, creating a sacred space for meditation and yoga, inspirational books, signing up for yogic retreats and workshops, community opportunities and the list goes on and on. Although all of this has been superbly supportive, and I’ve met exceptional people along the way – the common denominator that brings me balance always comes back to my daily practice – this is what truly matters. In the last 2 months – as the count down begins, I have started to slow down and hone in on consistency, discipline, listening to my body, being present and accepting myself as is. By reading the sutras and supportive content, it has enabled me to further understand what yoga truly is and allowed me to be an observer and make correlations about my life choices and really contemplate my future. I am looking forward to the integration process and what the universe has in store for our class and beyond.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? Amidst all the excitement, I have become a dreamer! I am excited to continue to evolve and transform in this life and to do this with like-minded individuals is a gift that I am truly grateful for. And I can’t go without touting that to do this in the lovely land of Thailand – just brings me that much more joy. I love Asia!
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? Injury would be something I fear as that would put me out of the game! In all honesty, between the support of YBC® staff and my acknowledgement of my body – I will stay positive that I will survive and practice with awareness while manifesting love for all my muscles, tendons, and ligaments! I’m also bringing an arsenal of therapeutic ayurvedic ointments and supplements. Hey, a girl knows what works on her body.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I am currently loving Dancer’s pose or Natarajasana. To be honest, the loathing list is long! However, one that I am not able to achieve just yet is Wheel pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana but actively trying to build strength and stretch. Stay tuned!
Give a follow on IG: @brooklynjbm
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? Practicing different types of yoga classes to experience the individual teaching styles and finding out what I enjoy most and what doesn't automatically flow with me. I generally weight train between three to five times a week but have also incorporated more high intensity circuits into my sessions, got to love that burn!
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I'm so excited to meet everyone at the YTT and learning from each other! Also waking up in Thailand for 3 weeks!
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I'm most nervous about whether I will be fully prepared come July. My last exam is the Friday week before YTT begins, but I have faith it will all fall into place. Got to enjoy the journey, every single step :)
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? Loving 8 angle pose. Loathing wheel pose.
Give 'em a follow on IG: @joeychan_91
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I am preparing for the training by seeing some specialist so I can get my hormones and thyroid balanced by having these unbalanced has caused weight issues that I've been trying to resolve for many years. I am focusing more on only putting health foods in my body. I have been doing yoga and strength training 3 times a week, some weeks fall short tho. Also I have been loving the books I am reading, currently reading yoga sutras, I am excited to learn about gut health. I love my body and I am super excited to see how this training is going to challenge me.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I am crazy excited to be doing this training in Thailand.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I am nervous about the flight because my ankles swell up really bad when I fly, but it will be ok, I'm also nervous about the heat.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I really love any hip opening moves right now, I have a really hard time with any shoulder moves, like dolphin pose and handstands...I need lots more practice.
1. How are you preparing for the Namaslay® YTT? I'm doing yoga 6-9 times per week. I've geared up my strength training and cardio as well. I'm doing cardio - which I don't love :) by running on the treadmill 2-4 miles 1-2 times per week. My strength training consists of copying Candace's workouts, kinda. I take a HIIT class once a week, in addition, I'm weightlifting on cardio days.
2. Can you tell us one thing you're excited about? I'm excited first and foremost about being in Thailand for this training!! I've never been outside of the U.S. other than Mexico and Belize (the country my dad was born). I'm going to be awestruck the moment I land, I know it already.
3. Can you tell us one thing you're nervous about? I'm nervous about the binds!! Oh the binds. Binds are naturally difficult for me, and full disclosure, I'm nervous about learning to cue poses for my future students, that I'm not proficient in.
4. How about the pose your currently loving? and loathing (haha!)? I'm loving handstand because of the progress I've made in it, but truth be told my very favorite pose right now is wide-leg forward fold. The low back release I experience in this pose in unmatched, and if I can make anyone feel how I feel in wide-leg forward fold, than as I teacher, I've succeeded. Let's see loathing... I don't know that I loath anything fully in yoga, but I'm having a hard time trying to land firefly. It's a tough pose for me, I know I need more core strength and hamstring flexibility.
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