
New Mom Must Haves for Newborns and a Giveaway

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. While YBC was compensated for the post, all opinions - as always - are our own. Thanks for supporting the companies that support YBC!

Hey guys, Candace here. Today's giveaway post is from Lauren, YBC's Marketing and Events Director, who just had her baby boy about a month ago. Hope you guys enjoy. xoCandace

Before we had Hudson, I didn’t know the first thing about babies let alone what we needed to purchase before his arrival. One thing I wasn't prepared for was all of the baby products on the market - there are SO many. I’m the worst at making decisions and I didn’t really know where to start - which items are essential and which ones are marketing gimmicks that would be used twice, then donated or tossed to the side never to be touched again? Now, I’m only 5 weeks into parenthood so I’m obviously no expert - but these are the items I’ve found are really useful during the first few weeks of life. I’m sure this list will grow as the weeks pass, but for now, these are my must have newborn essentials. I love talking with both new and seasoned moms because I always learn something new; it’s my hope that you’ll learn at least one new thing from this list too!

FYI - The following brands are NOT participating in the giveaway portion of this post: Happiest Baby, DocATot, Sparoma, BinxyBaby and Milestone. 

Hudson rocking his KicKee Pants Footies

KicKee Pants - Okay, clothes are an obvious necessity, I get that. But, when it comes to dressing baby, I always go for our Kickee Pants “sleepers” first...probably because they’re the softest articles of clothing we have for Hudson. These one pieces seriously feel like butter and the feet are even lined with super soft fleece. I have a very minimalist approach when it comes to fashion (the more neutral and simple, the better) and their classic prints are right up my alley. I really admire the brands commitment to make high quality clothing that doesn't compromise their morals. KicKee Pants uses only source bamboo that is grown organically and no chemicals harmful to human health, including that of babies are used during the production/testing process. There are enough harmful chemicals in our world today, the last thing we need are additional toxins in our babies clothes. Winner will receive $100 shopping credit

Liquid Gold - Before baby arrived I mentally prepared myself for the “toughness” that comes along with breastfeeding. I did some research on ways to ensure a higher chance of breastfeeding success (because let’s be honest, for some of us there is nothing easy or natural about breastfeeding) and came across this 100% organic nursing mother’s tea. I’ve tried a few “milk production” teas on the market and I have to say that this is the best tasting one I’ve come across so far. I started drinking this a few times a day once we got home from the hospital and didn’t have any issues with my milk supply...I was a little skeptical to see if the tea was actually contributing so I stopped drinking it for a few days and quickly noticed a difference in my supply (wasn’t pumping nearly as much or as often) and I even noticed a difference in the way Hudson nursed! Once I started drinking the tea again things were back on track so I can confidently say this tea does work, at least for us anyway. I also love that Pink Stork uses big chunks of organic herbs in biodegradable sachets - unlike the standard small teabag - so the medicinal properties of each herb are maximized while at the same time you’re reducing waste. Use discount code 'YBC' for 20% off.

Multipurpose Cover - Cover Me Ponchos sent over one of their multipurpose nursing covers and I can’t believe how much use I get out of it, even around the house! They’re designed to cover the front, sides, and back of you while you nurse so if you’re out in public and need to feed your little one, Cover Me Ponchos has literally got you covered. These covers come in some awesome designs/prints so all you fellow mommas don’t have to compromise on style. I also love that they’re extremely functional - we’ve used ours as a car seat cover, a swaddle and i’ve even rocked it out of the house as a free flowing top, which came in handy for the first few weeks after delivery when you’re obviously no longer pregnant but still look 3-4 months along. Use discount code 'YBC15OFF' for 15% your purchase.

Hudson in his SollyWrap

SollyWrap - I’m not sure how moms get anything done around the house without one of these!!! The SollyWrap has literally been my extra set of arms when I’m taking care of Hudson solo. I knew I didn't want a heavy or chunky baby wearing device so when I came across this wrap, I wanted to give it a try. At first I was a bit intimidated about the tie/wrap process but take my word for it...if I can master this wrap, you can too. It’s actually super easy (took me a total of 3 times practicing before I masted the technique!) and they’ve even created a “how to” video if looking at printed instructions isn’t your jam. I love that this wrap is super lightweight, comes in some unique super trendy colors and includes a self-enclosing pocket which has come in handy to store an extra pacifier or two. This wrap saves my life every morning when I have to take Manny - our fur baby - out for a small walk; our stroller is far to heavy to be carrying up and down three flights of stairs #apartmentliving. Everything from the fabric to the packaging is made in the US and dyed with environmentally-friendly dyes, which is pretty awesome if you ask me.

PoshPlay Diaper Clutch 

Portable Change Pad - PoshPlay sent over one of their super stylish faux leather diaper clutch and change sets and i’ve put this thing to good use so far. It’s wristlet carrying loop makes it super easy to carry on its own and it even fits nicely inside a conventional diaper bag. I especially love how convenient it is - I mostly keep mine stored in the living room for easy changing access. Sometimes it’s just not practical to carry Hudson all the way to his nursery to change him throughout the day, so I’ll whip this little pad out and can literally change him wherever I am. It’s really easy to clean and can also hold small essentials like a change of clothes (always necessary!!!), a quick snack (are all new moms this ravenous?!) or even a set of keys. If you’re feeling super fancy, you can even get your PoshPlay items monogrammed! Use discount code 'YOGA' for 20% off your purchase.

The SNOO - Happiest Baby has honestly outdone itself with this smart sleeper for babies up to six months. You might have caught this post from awhile back where I go more in depth about why I love this bassinet so much but for those of you who missed it…. this thing is LIFE. I’m not going to lie, when I first came across this bassinet the price tag literally made my heart skip a few beats but since we’ve had a chance to use it for 5 weeks, I can confidently say it’s worth EVERY. SINGLE. PENNY. (full disclosure: this bassinet was gifted to me from Happiest Baby) The top 3 things I love about the SNOO (because there are far too many to list them all here)  are the built in protective swaddle system, it’s ability to calm the baby on demand with an interactive sound and motion system and the organic fitted sheets and swaddles. A few other convenient aspects of this bassinet are that you can control the sound/motion levels remotely from your phone and you have the option to choose shorter legs if you have a lower bed - making it super easy to access baby for everyone. Happiest Baby is now offering $150 off when you sign up for their newsletter - just click here to visit their site. *This item not part of giveaway

DocATot - This is the one product I was really on the fence about needing - sure, I knew I wanted one, but was it going to be something we actually needed was the real question. For those who aren’t familiar, DockATot it’s a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper and playtime lounger. We don’t use it to co-sleep (because #SNOO) BUT I do get a ton of use out of this around the house during the day. Whether I’m folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, taking a shower or even blow drying my hair, the DocATot has been the perfect place for Hudson to hang out nearby without being strapped to my body. The DocATot comes in two sizes, Deluxe (0-8 Months) and Grand (9-36 Months), are breathable and are handmade in Europe with all natural 100% cotton.  *This item not part of giveaway

Binxy Baby's Shopping Cart Hammock

Shopping Cart Hammock - What’s the most annoying thing about bringing a baby with you on a shopping trip aside from having to haul half of your house out with you?! The fact that the car seat takes up the majority of the shopping cart (especially at target because you KNOW you’re throwing in a few extra items you had no intention of buying when you walked through those doors, haha) This is where Binxy Baby’s Shopping Cart Hammock has come in handy for us. While we haven’t been able to use this a whole lot yet, it’s worked out great so far. Being able to leave the chunky (and often heavy) car seat in the car during shopping trips is so convenient it’s beyond words. I love that the hammock is designed to fit most standard shopping carts, is compact, lightweight and can hold up to 50 pounds with its two layer fabric design. Binxy Baby has safety covered with a built-in infant carrier safety strap and if you’re still not comfortable with strapping baby in solo just yet, you can place the car seat in the hammock to be safely secured as well.  *This item not part of giveaway

Milestone Cards - So these aren’t exactly a necessity for baby, this is more for those mommas out there. I’m THE WORST when it comes to taking photos and capturing moments. When Hudson was born I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t let these moments pass and that I’d try my hardest to be better about capturing timeless moments. These photo cards are exactly what I needed to keep me on track with capturing these milestones. I love that the Over The Moon set comes with 30 beautifully designed photo cards that will help me record Hudson’s first year in weeks, months and memorable moments.  *This item not part of giveaway

Oil Diffuser Humidifier - Hudson is still sleeping in the SNOO by our bedside so we’ve all been able to reap the benefits of this penguin diffuser by Sparoma (no complaints here!) We’ve been using a sleep blend each evening and I really feel like it makes a difference in both our sleep and Hudson’s sleep. We all fall asleep faster and I feel more refreshed when he gets up in the middle of the night to feed. I think my favorite feature would be the ambient lighting options which come in handy when periodically checking on the little one in the middle of the night. I also love how quiet it is, making it the perfect item for a nursery or any bedside nightstand.  *This item not part of giveaway

To enter to win, let us know what product you (or a family member/friend) couldn't live without during those first few months of motherhood down in the comments section on the blog. Then, once you've left a comment, just record your comment in the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is open to those in the US. If you have an email address you use for promotions, feel free to use that one because by entering to win, you give permission for these small businesses to contact you via email with future promotions. A winner will be picked on Friday June 2, 2017 and announced here and on our newsletter, which will go out the following Sunday. Good luck!