Health Programs and Workout Programs

10 Week Supplemental Core Strength Program

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10 week Supplemental core strength program.png

10 Week Supplemental Core Strength Program


This 10 Week Supplemental Core Strength Program is designed by Dan Tavino, our strength and anatomy teacher at YBC® Yoga Teacher Training. A strong core is beneficial for many reasons. It keeps us stable, prevents injury, and builds confidence. A strong core will improve daily life and help build a stable foundation for your low back. There are 4 parts to the core. In simple terms, the deep core is the transverse abdominis, next are the inner and outer obliques, and lastly the superficial layer is the rectus abdominis (known as the 6 pack). There are other muscles that help the core- like the serratus anterior and rectus femoris. The core is mainly used to keep the body stable, and while crunches are OK from time to time, we want to have a healthy mix of isometric contractions as well and ensure that we are building strong, cohesive muscle in all planes of movement. The workouts in this program will help build a strong core that will make your body more stable and will improve your overall health. Remember that this is one piece of the puzzle. Stress, diet, and sleep, all factor into how our bodies look and feel.

  • All exercises or workouts will have a link to a demo video if you are unsure how to perform the movement

  • Yoga Flows will have a video link to follow along with. They are strongly encouraged in order to keep the body mobile and should not be skipped.

  • Yoga poses will all have accompanying images below the 30 day program.

  • The program is designed to build all four parts of the core as well as its helper muscles, in all planes of movement.

  • The program requires minimal equipment: resistance bands, kettle bell or dumb bell and a yoga mat.

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