Over on the Yoga Forum, readers are sharing their thoughts in their own personal blogs, and something that's come up recently is what happens when you find yourself running away from the practice. Like you know that it's good for you and will help you but you just find yourself making excuses to avoid the mat.
When this happens to me, I listen to my body. If I'm avoiding the practice for some reason, I really will just avoid the practice. I feel like it's my body's way of saying, "I need a break." When I sat down and thought about it, I realized this makes sense. I turned my passion into a job which on one hand is awesome. But on the other hand, it means I live and breathe yoga-related stuff all day and sometimes I just need a break. I think, in a way, that's why I've been focusing on things like weightlifting and pole dancing - because I love to be active, and I find that when I'm in the zone, they both offer the same meditation in motion that yoga does as well.
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